Chapter 20

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A'launa collapsed into tears when she finally phased into her cell in Revos' home. She lay on the floor weeping, stifling wails so that he could not hear her. She had known that she would have to make a big statement in order to gain Revos' trust. Her heart was torn into tiny pieces. She had destroyed her little girl's trust. She had killed her own brother and his family. Her family. She had left Athens alone. When she came up with this plan initially, she thought that her own sacrifice would be sufficient. She figured that she could feign interest in Revos and his designs, and he would take her and leave the rest of them alone. She called out to him, and he answered her, as she knew he would. He had thoughtfully considered her offer, and she believe that his love for Aramis forced him to take her up on it. That first moment that he touched her, she felt her darkness reach for him. She knew then that she was not in control here, he was. It was true, she had feelings for him, and it made her feel unworthy of her deceased husband's love. She felt like she had betrayed him, but she could not deny the pull of Revos. When he received her, he immediately made her pledge fealty and embrace the Darkness. The moment that she did, her visage changed. She felt her insides churn and transfigure, and knew that there was no going back from this. She had chosen the Darkness, just as Revos had. After Athens had called Revos and demanded him to show, he had visited her in the cell he had temporarily fixed for her. Caressing her cheek, he had told her that this was her opportunity to prove his devotion. There was a glint of malice in his eye, and while she knew that she was not ready to face Athens, something inside of her was begging to earn his approval.

And now as she thought about her family, her heart cracked into a million more pieces. There was no going back from this. This was her new reality.

When she heard his melodic voice echoing down the halls, she quickly dried her eyes and sat on her cushioned couch. Revos came in and motioned for her to come to him. He sat down in a chair, and she sat down beside him. He turned to face her, examining her, looking for any cracks in her facade.

"I know", he said, "That you did what you thought you had to do in order to win my trust."

A'launa's face stayed perfectly still, but her heart began to beat a million beats per second. Is it possible that he knows?

"I'm proud of you, my love", he said, pausing to kiss her on her cheek, "You did within hours, what I could not do for decades. You killed people that you loved. I knew entrusting you with my prized weapon was a good choice!" he laughed heartily and grabbed her hand.

"I have been alone for too long, pining after a woman who is no longer alive, but we", he said, gesturing widely around them, "we will reshape this world into our image. The light will be blackened out. The Deity will be destroyed. Athens, who already has no one left in her corner, will shrivel up and die of loneliness. You have made me proud."

"Athens is no longer our concern, my love", A'launa said soothingly, "True enough, I taught her to be strong, but she is still just a girl. Being alone with her thoughts, pondering my betrayal, will render her useless against our plans."

She began to laugh, keeping up her mask of confidence and victory. Inside, her jumble of bleeding hearts and dashed hopes mixed with new desires and a strange joy that she was now with such a strong, powerful man. Yes, the Darkness would suit her just fine, though just as she thought it, the old A'launa screamed in grief and agony. 

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