Chapter 28

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In the silence, Revos and Aramis had nowhere to hide from themselves and their feelings. Revos had phased them out, and then found themselves in a void. He looked at her, imploring her with his eyes to explain how she was even alive right now. She turned her back to him and smiled. Those old feelings had returned in force when she had first seen him on the horizon. The intensity of them had initially surprised her, but she had remembered the words of Deity when he had restored her to herself. He had told her then that seeing Revos would return those feelings, that she would remember the good times better than they were, and as she looked at him, she could surely attest to its truth. She knew, though, that she was not back to reunite with Revos, no matter how fast her heart was beating right now as she observed his handsome features and charm again. She felt his hand on her shoulder, and she almost melted. Instead, she steadied herself and turned to face him. She stared into his eyes, seeing pools of love and affection. He was pulling her in fast, and it was hard to resist him. It had always been.

"Ara", said Revos, using his nickname for her, "How is it that you are here right now? I didn't feel you anymore, and presumed you dead."

"Revi, you couldn't feel me because Deity hid me. When you discovered that A'launa was infected with Darkness from your proximity, we almost died. We didn't have any way of eating. You condemned us to death, Revos.", Aramis said sadly, "I know that I didn't know who you were, but even in that state, you cared for us. The truth is, though, that I blamed you for the death of my family. You let the darkness win!"

She looked at him with accusatory eyes, and it seemed to cut him deeply. Revos took a step back upon hearing this.

"But Ara, your daughter was infected because of me. YOU were infected because of me. It was my fault that you were denied Deity's presence. I felt horribly, and had hoped that not being around would make things better.", Revos protested.

"But you made things worse! You killed my family. My husband! My children! All because you refused to believe that I couldn't remember you! You tried using darkness on me! I know you erased my memories, but Deity restored me, and I remember all of it. Coming to me in dreams. Coaxing me outside of my dwelling in the middle of the night. Injecting me with darkness. You devastated my life!!" Aramis yelled.

Revos, for the life of him, could not understand how she felt the say that she did. He had genuinely hoped they would be able to pick up where they had left off, after Athens was dead, of course. He was starting to feel though, like Aramis had no love for him. It made him angry! I kept her healthy and cared for her and that infernal child. She is all wanted!

His smile becoming tighter and more anxious, Revos started again, "I know, Ara. It was my fault that you lost your husband ,but he was just a placeholder for me. We were always supposed to together for time infinite. We promised each other. I chose to love you over Deity!" His voice raised and his eyes glowed black...

"I lost my place with him because of YOU! SO don't you blame me for sorrows. I know sorrow! My existence without him in the beginning as horrid!!! Then I found a better way. I'm more powerful now", he said. Raising his arms and causing tendrils to bind Aramis' arms and legs.

Aramis struggled, but could not move, and was forced to listen to Revos bemoan his fate.

"Revos, you gave into the Darkness. You told me that you would NEVER give in!" Aramis said calmly.

"I was all alone", Revos argued, "Deity had left me. You were gone. All I had was the darkness!"

"NO!! You CHOSE the darkness, Revos! Take responsibility! You destroyed our world. You killed our people. YOU created the Terrors! YOU, YOU, YOU! You are the common thread. And Now YOU want to destroy more lives and ANOTHER world. I can't let you do that, Revos.", Aramis threatened.

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