Chapter 33

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She was suddenly there. She saw the darkness leak from one of Revos' wounds and slither across the ground before hardening and running itself through both her and Revos. Athens rubbed at the spot on her chest where the bruise should have been, but was not. She watched herself fall to the ground, dead before her head hit. She watched Revos agonize, and try to save her, even as he allowed himself to expire. She saw his hand grab hers, and the look in his eyes deaden as he died as well. All of that made sense as she watched it happen before her eyes right now. What she saw next, though, surprised her greatly. The small darkness that had leaked from Revos slithered back onto his chest, trying to find a way back in. As it was busy doing that, Athens saw her muscles begin jerking, spasming like something was trying to get out. Athens jumped when she saw her own body arch upward once. Then it happened a second time. Then a third. The fourth time that it happened, her eyes had flung open, but her eyes were not there. Where her eyeballs should have been were instead balls of pure light. She also saw her mouth open and stretch wide. The darkness on Revos must have seen this as well, and renewed its efforts to get back inside of Revos. Finally it found a cut, and slipped inside of him. As it began the work of reanimating his corpse, Athens watched her body awaken and squeeze Revos' hand so hard that bones crunched. Then she screamed, but it wasn't her voice that she heard, or it wasn't just her voice. It was many voices. They came through all at once, through her stretched mouth. As the sound issued forth, Revos' body was trying to extract itself from Athen's grip. Athens looked back at herself, and saw light starting to pour from her eyes and mouth. At first they were thin streams of light, but quickly they grew in size and scope, fanning out and engulfing everything in their collective paths. Athens watched in amazement as her body put out light so bright that that what she saw began to be whited out. She watched trees disappear. She saw the exact moment that the light hit Revos. His body, the darkness in it, shrieked in a manner unlike she had ever heard before. Then his body had been swallowed up. Gone. She had won!

It was then that Athens remembered that Aramis had been there as well, but when she looked for her, she was nowhere to be found. The memory itself had become overcome by the Light, so much so, that Athens' body in that memory was gone as well. They watched the memory play itself out. The light eventually faded, and there was nothing there. The space that they had fought in was wiped clean. There were no bodies. There was nothing, and not just in that spot. Athens looked for miles and miles, but it looked the same. It was as if someone had taken a towel and just wiped everything down. Athens was as confused as ever. it still didn't explain what had happened to her and how she ended up away from there.

"Keep watching, Athens", came Deity's voice.

As she watched, a great light descended. Athens knew it was Deity. She watched him walked around the empty space. He knelt in the spot that Athens had fallen, and then stood back up and looked down at the place where Revos had died as well. Athens watched as he wiped away a few tears, and then began to laugh a loud, mirthful, contagious laugh. Athens felt herself laughing even as she watched him. Then she saw him hold out his hands, and close his eyes. Athens gasped aloud as she saw grass sprout from the nothingness. From the grass came trees, stretching as high as her eyes could see. From those trees, fruit of all kinds fell. He stretched his hands forth again and people began sitting up in the grass as if they had been asleep this entire time. She saw birds fly and animals walking around, chewing on the grass. She watched as water came to the surface, and waterfalls replenished empty gullies. She looked over at him, and he was watching with as much awe as she was. The people who rose looked at each other. Some hugged immediately. Others looked at Deity and fell to their knees in thanks. Others still went looking for familiar faces, or began exploring this new place. Athens watched as new dwellings sprung up from the earth, and other buildings came to be from thin air. She thought about how much it looked like.....

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