Chapter 3

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"Mommy why does daddy hurt us." "I don't know, but you want to know what I do know?" "What?"
"It will be better tomorrow."

Flashback Over

Today has been hell. My sides hurt when I walk. I'm struggling not to past out. I'm glad the final bell rang. I'm ready to go home.

I got to my locker and was suprised to see Hanna. I'm not going to lie. I almost turned around to go in the opposite direction.

"I tried to find you yesterday after school but you disappeared." Hanna says. Should I tell her I was crying in the bathroom. "I was in the library studying."

"The one place I didn't look." We both laughed and for a split second it felt like old times. "I don't mean to be rude but why are you talking to me. I'm A remember." I said with air quotes around the letter A.

"I guess what I was wondering is what you said about being sorry..." The last word trailed off but I didn't need to hear to know what she was asking.

"True and yes Hanna. I drove you to be insecure. You turned to bulimia instead of your best friends because I made fun of you. I broke you time after time to make myself feel better. If I could do it all over I wouldn't do it at all. You don't have to forgive me and I'm not asking you to. I just want you to know that I truly am sorry."

We were both teary eyed by the end of my little speech. Then Hanna did something completely unexpected. She hugged me and whispered, "I forgive you, Alison." And for the first time in a long time, Hanna didn't say my name in a menacing way.

We finally pulled away from each other and she looked me in my eyes. Blue to blue she says "You're not A. You're not that Alison anymore. I'm sorry I ever accused you of being her."

That was enough to bring the tears I've been holding at bay streaming down my face. I hugged her this time. We stayed like that for a while. When we separated this time I realized it was 3:22. It's a 5 minute drive from here to my house, I can make it.

I muttered something about having to leave and Hanna said she had to go to. I got in my car and drove home. I made it there with 2 minutes to spare. I ran in the house and was about to go to my room when dad stopped me.

Warning Child Abuse

I was halfway up the stairs when he did so. "Jessica you slept with him. Jason isn't mine you whore." He's never called me mom's name. I don't think I've ever been this scared.

"Dad it's me Alison. Mom's dead." Please believe me. Smack "Stop lying bitch." He hit me so hard I fell down. He took that opportunity to kick me in my stomach and ribcage. "Please stop your hurting me." I said pleading as the my tears mixed with blood. He turned his gaze downward and his eyes were so blue they were almost black when he said "Good."

The next few hours was a blur of pain. I'm pretty sure I blacked out a few times. Dad finally left me alone. For now, I thought. He would come back he always comes back.

A was right this morning he's never been this mad. He might kill me. No he will kill me. I was certain if I stayed here tonight he would kill me.

I can't go to Hanna's house I'm in no condition to drive. I can barely walk but I need to leave before he comes back. So, I walked or more like crawled to Spencer's house. She was still up studying in the kitchen.

I knocked on the door and she answered. I saw her look go from confusion to concern. It was then I realized how bad I probably looked.

"Ali what happened to you? Are you okay? Who did this to you?" She forgot she was mad at me in that moment. It felt nice to be cared for again but that was short lived because the pain took over my body and the next thing I saw was complete darkness.


"If you can hear me Ali wake up. Please I can't lose you again. I'm sorry about what I said. I need you. Ali please." I didn't have to see her to know how's voice it was.

I opened my eyes and saw bright lights and brown eyes. They say it's truly magical when brown eyes meet blue. They were right.

"Emily you'll never lose me."

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