Chapter 16

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Alison's POV

I got to my house and called Lorenzo over. I needed someone to talk too. He was at my front door less than 30 minutes later. I opened the door and he immediately enraptured me in his embrace. He smelt like aftershave and mints. I know that sounds weird but I absolutely loved it. I needed someone to hold me like this. I needed him.

I walked into my living room with him following. We sat on the couch and I told him everything Emily said. I told him about the old Ali D. I told him everything and for once in my life I wasn't judged for who I was. I've never felt better.

I was so happy that I started crying. Lorenzo reached up and wiped away my tears. There was a spark when he touched my skin and I think he felt it to. He looked dead into my eyes like I was the only girl in the world and for the second time today I was kissed by the person I love.

But of course it was interrupted by the one and only A.

                  Did you miss me??-A

Emily's POV

Alison was telling us what happened to her in the dollhouse or part of it at least. For the first time in a few weeks I truly looked deeply into her eyes. She was broken and as much as I wanted to, I can't fix her. But Lorenzo can. He's good for her. He'll protect her. So I made up my mind.

After the session we all went out seperate ways but I followed Ali to her car. She looked a little startled when I called her name.

                   "Can we talk?"

Now a few hours later, I'm burning up every rode in Rosewood. Crying and cursing and trying to forget her name. I went to the lake, school, the library, pool, and eventually found myself at the kissing rock. It was around 1 in the morning and I knew my mom would be worried. But I don't care. I need to get away from things for a while. I keep trying to convince myself I did that so Ali wouldn't get hurt. But after a day of just thinking about it I realized maybe I did it for me.

I took yet another swig of alcohol as I rubbed my hand over our initials and flashback upon flashback kept coming. The times she made me smile, laugh, and yes cry. But it only makes me love that girl even more. Lorenzo better treat her right.

Alison's POV  ( Christmas )

Today is Christmas and the girls decided that it was best to be with our families. The only family I have is Jason. After I was relished from the hospital, the cops told me they found Kenneth's car wrapped around a tree in Ravenswood. They discovered by his autopsy that his alcohol level was through the roof. It was like a Christmas miracle.

I wasn't alone though. Lorenzo was there too. He spent Christmas Eve at my house so he'd be there all day on Christmas.

I woke up at around 8 in the morning to the smell of pancakes. I walked downstairs and sure enough there was Lorenzo in his Santa boxers. He was flipping a pancake humming the lyrics to Run, Run Rudolph.

After breakfast we spent the whole day talking. It was nothing in particular but it felt like everything. I told him some more of the old Alison stories. He still didn't judge. He told about his childhood and what made him a cop.

We watched old Christmas movies and ate cookies until around 9 at night when it started snowing. I don't even remeber the last time I saw snow. We threw on our jackets and ran outside like little kids with not a care in the world.

I was standing there catching snowflakes in my hand. They're all different. I could hear my mother's voice say after all this time.

"You know I never gave you your present." His voice sent chills down my spine, the good kind. "It's okay you didn't have too."

"Of course I had to. You deserve a Christmas present your first Christmas home." I felt him place something around my neck. It was a beautiful diamond necklace of the eifel tower.

"How'd you know I loved Paris?" Even though I knew who it was. " I had a feeling because of all the Paris decors in your room." Then he placed a plan ticket in my hand. It was a ticket to Paris.

How long are we going away for?
     How about forever.

Paris has always been my dream destination. I always imagined myself on top of the eifel tower and I always imagined Emily standing next to me. She's always next to me.

Suddenly I'm hit with the same feeling I use to get every time I see her. The same one I had when I pulled her fron the burning lodge and the same one I had when she said goodbye for the very last time.

But I pushed those thoughts and feelings aside. I buried them deep down, just like the old Ali would've done. I'm happy now with Lorenzo, I thought.

 The thing is if I could do it all over, God knows I would've done it differently.

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