Chapter 5

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Two weeks later

I was finally back able to go home. I haven't seen my father since that night. Honestly, I couldn't be more relieved. Wherever he disappeared to this time, I hope he stays there.

Hanna has been visiting me everyday. We've actually gotten a lot closer. The other girls come too but I can tell they feel guilty. Thing is they shouldn't. I was a total bitch to them and if anyone needs to apologize it's me. In fact, Spencer invited me to her house to talk today.

Spencer's House

I got to the Hastings' residence at 3:58, 2 minutes before Spencer wanted me here. Here goes nothing Alison. I thought as I rung the doorbell. Seconds later, the door opened and before I knew it I was engulfed in a hug.

Spencer's POV
(2 minutes earlier)
I invited Ali over to my house today because we need to talk through some things. Two years ago, we ended things on a bad note. Then she went missing and I wanted nothing more to fix it. She's my sister. (In this story Jason and Ali are Peter Hastings children. Alison doesn't know that yet.)
Then she came back from the dead. Something that I wished for almost every night that first year. But I let our past get in the way of us reconnecting. I wasn't supposed to turn my back on her.

The doorbell rang and interrupted my thoughts. I took a quick glance at the clock and realized that it was four o'clock on the dot. I walked to the front, took a quick deep breath,and opened the door.

I immediately wrapped her in a hug. Honestly, I don't know why but it made me feel a lot better. I invited her into to the kitchen where we could talk.

"Spencer, I know what you asked me over here for and I just want to tell you I'm sorry for everyth--" That's when I cut her off.

"No, Ali I'm sorry. I turned my back on you when you needed me the most. I should've stuck uo for you when the girls accused you of being A. I know your not now and I should've then. I was supposed to look out for you and I didn't.  I'm not asking you to forgive me because I couldn't forgive myself that easily. I just need you to know I'm sorry."

"Spencer, I understand why you didn't believe me. The Alison you knew was an horrible human being. When I came back, you guys were just afraid that I was the same girl from two years ago. I forgive you and I'm sorry."

After we talked for another hour, she told me that the girls were having a sleepover in the barn and that I was invited. I decided to go considering I really didn't want to go home tonight and I was just packing my duffle bag when that front door slammed shut. I felt my blood run cold.

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