Chapter 20

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Emily's POV (Day 6)

The door of my "prison cell" opened and I knew based on the last 5 days what was about to happen. Paige gives me food and then leaves the room. That's when "A" comes in. I learned to close my eyes and try to imagine me being anywhere but here. I send a silent prayer out to whoever maybe listening.

Alison's POV

Spencer gets out of the hospital today. Her parents are on a business trip, Melissa's in London, and Toby us on the A case. I'm so excited for her to finally come home. These past few days have been complete and utter torture since I saw Paige and Emily.

I had to get something from my room first because I'd be with Spencer for the next 2 weeks. I ran up the stairs and into my room. The first I saw was a picture of Emily from 6th grade.


"You've been quiet ever since you got your braces Em." I could tell she was feeling a little off. She didn't want braces but her parents made her get them. That's when I had a perfect idea.

I walked over to my dresser and picked up my camera. "Last year I begged my Dad for a camera. We were going to Hawaii and I wanted to take pictures of the different type of flowers. My Mom loved flowers because they were pretty. I've only ever taken pictures of beautiful things."

She looked up at me for the first time since she's been here and I quickly took a picture with the camera.

Flashback Over

I loved Emily even then but it still took another 4 years, attempted murder, and being on the run for me to see it. I have to talk to her.

My phone buzzed bringing me back to my senses.

Can't wait to get out of here. See you soon.-Spencer

I almost forgot about her. I'll talk to Emily after I get Spencer settled in.

5 Hours Later

After spending 2 and a half hours getting Spencer discharged well no saying goodbye to every nurse and doctor there, we were finally able to get to the house.

I helped her out of car and open the kitchen door. Spencer walked in ahead of me and feel against the kitchen counter. I was at her side not a second later with the numbers 9 and 1 already dialed. "What's wrong Spencer?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I missed this."

That was all she said as she slide down the counter. "What do you mean you missed this?" "Home. I missed my home." It occurred to me at this moment that I haven't exactly ever had a home. I've had a house full of mostly bad memories but never a home. I'm not even sure what that word means.

2 Days Later

Today is Toby's turn to stay with Spencer because he didn't have to work. I went to the brew for about a hour and decided to take a little drive. Before I knew it I was at Emily's house. Her car was in the driveway so I knew she had to be there. After a 20 minute pep talk, I finally got out of my car. I honestly don't think I've been this nervous in my entire life.

I got to the front door and knocked for a whole 5 minutes. That was when I knew something was wrong. The door was locked but I knew where the emergency key was, little did I know something was horribly wrong.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry that this chapter is so late and short. I promise I'll make it up to you all.

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