A kind of short chapter...Though this story (Once finished) Will be edited so it might be longer later on, who knows.
Toxic refused to let Vast see his brother while Vast refused to demonstrate his powers. Vast was allowed free from being shackled to the bed but the guards still kept a close eye on him.
Clover was kept under the influence of sedation but had fits The scientists and doctors looked for a time perimeter too keep him compliment but the fits seemed to get closer and closer together. Clover was getting more violent and things would vanish, he or other things including others would momentarily disappear successfully freaking out everyone in the room. Toxic kept a close eye on him and had very little to do since the main super villain was now in his custody.
“Tell me what I want to know Vast.” Toxic said watching Vast pace the room touching everything he came in contact with. Toxic had left the villain alone for a few days after Vast bared his dark past to the hero. It was clear Vast had no interest in discussing anything with Toxic but he wasn’t about to just walk away when Clover was suffering and Vast didn’t seem to care.
“I told you everything you need to know.” Vast answered simply his mask still in place. “I have questions too you know. I feel you owe me something.” Vast glanced over to him his eyes holding anger and betrayal, Toxic wasn’t sure why though. Vast looked back over to the mirror knowing all too well there were people standing on the other side watching him. He waved and gave a light mocking smile.
“Fine, ask away.” Toxic said. Vast look back over to him only momentarily before turning his attention back to the mirror.
“I saw your face even though you tried to hide it.” Everyone in the room was suddenly alert. Toxic’s mind whirled dizzyingly, How in the hell did Vast get ahold of that information? Vast tilted his head at one of the guards now glaring at him.
“You’re bluffing.” Toxic said. The villain turned and looked at the hero.
“I only keep my mask on out of habit though I think you’ve figured out who I am already too.” Toxic frowned as something dawned on him. Clover did have a brother his name was, “Kieran?” A smile spread across the villain’s lips then and he slid his mask up revealing his vaguely familiar face.
“Hello Mave.” Mave couldn’t believe he was attracted to both brothers. “Have you fucked my brother yet? Is that why you were so concerned with him?”
“I can’t believe it. You’re brother said you live off an inheritance.” Toxic huffed out.
“We do, we haven’t spent a penny of the money we get from anything we steal.” Toxic frowned at that.
“I don’t understand.”
“Have you ever heard of charities?” Kieran asked examining a security camera placed in the top corner of the room.
“You you’re saying your modern day Robin Hood?” Toxic questioned.
“No.” Kieran scrunched up his nose cutely. Toxic averted his eyes, wishing Kieran had kept the mask on.
“The money goes to Clover’s mother’s charity. Wishful Thinking, maybe you’ve heard of it.” The villain explained turning his attention to the door as screams of Clover could be heard then. The hatred returned to his eyes as his gaze slid over to Toxic.
“That group hell bent on taking down the labs?” Kieran smiled brightly at that.
“Yes.” He answered Clover’s faint screams could still be heard begging for forgiveness.
“This has gone on for days, let me see him. He won’t last much longer.” Kieran said pleading this time. Toxic shook his head.
“I can’t allow that.” Kieran looked away from him and punched the mirror. It warped under the impact but didn’t break. Kieran stayed there for a moment before dropping his hand which was now dripping blood onto the floor. Toxic stepped forward to help but Kieran stopped him.
“Don’t touch me or I’ll break your neck.” Kieran warned in a dangerously calm voice.
“Kieran, I can’t let you see him.” Toxic spoke calmly trying to get him to understand, “There are protocols put into place.”
“Firstly, it’s Vast not Kieran and secondly I hope Clover wakes up soon to kill you all.” He said simply.
“If he’s as bad as you say aren’t you scared he’ll kill you too?” Mave questioned Vast simply smiled and said.
“Yes, I know.” Mave’s eyes widened at that.
“Are you serious?” He questioned the villain who simply nodded. The screaming stopped then but only briefly. The hall was very suddenly filled the screams of many. Toxic spun around and hurried out the door Vast was quick and slipped out with him. Vast shoved Toxic to the side and bolted down the hall toward the commotion.
Vast turned into Clover’s room a few guards were dead on the ground shot and killed while Clover sat on his bed smiling playfully. Toxic rushed up behind the villain and cursed under his breath as he took in the sight. Clover’s green eyes slid over to the new arrivals. Vast spun around and forced Toxic to look away as well, “Clover, you need to stop this now.” Vast ordered.
“Clover isn’t here at the moment; please leave a message at the sound of the beep, Beep.” Vast looked over to Toxic curiously who shook fearing what Vast was thinking.
“Clover, she’s dead you have to remember that.” Vast told Clover.
“Oh, Clover is very aware of her death.” Clover said. Vast frowned while Toxic watched him curiously. “I’m just playing brother, I deserve that right?”
“No, you’re not a killer Clover.” Vast responded biting his bottom lip.
“I know he’s not but I am.” Vast spun around then and glared at his brother.
“What did you just say?”
“Shh, Clover’s sleeping.” Clover tilted his head then, “Where have you been Vast? Clover held out for so long you know.” Clover looked over to the bodies. “For so long, I half expected him to never give in and he did wait for you.” Vast turned his glare towards Toxic. Clover hopped down from the bed and sauntered over to his brother.
“Call me Nightmare.” He smiled, “The side of Clover that remembers everything.” Nightmare looked over to Toxic and Vast took his proximity to him and his distraction to grabbed Nightmare. He moved to take away his senses but Nightmare laughed and shoved Vast away with unbelievable strength.
“Father Dearest made me the best I could be while neglecting little Vast.” Vast glared at him. Nightmare held his gaze something in his eyes ripped at Vast’s nerves as that old promise jumped into his mind.
“I’ll be taking my leave now.” He bowed. Vast jumped up.
“No! Don’t!” He moved to grab him but Nightmare vanished for the first time ever Vast couldn’t see him. Toxic walked over to him slowly.
“Vast?” He touched his shoulder. Vast spun towards him and slapped his hand away.
“You should have let me see him! This is your fault! Clover’s gone now, replaced by that-that thing! He’ll slaughter everyone in his path! I promised to kill him if he ever ended up this way!” Vast moved to leave the room sliding his mask back onto his face. Toxic noticed the twinge of tears spilling down Vast’s face as he slipped out the door.
The next update will hopefully be longer Vast is having a bad day.
Heroic Villains: Toxic Hero
ActionThe city's hero, Toxic, has his hands full with the villain, Vast, running around causing havoc. But when a murderous nightmare arrives in town racking up a body count, Toxic is having troubles keeping everyone safe. Will Vast be willing to lend a h...