The city's hero, Toxic, has his hands full with the villain, Vast, running around causing havoc. But when a murderous nightmare arrives in town racking up a body count, Toxic is having troubles keeping everyone safe. Will Vast be willing to lend a h...
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Hey, hi!!! Super great to see you still going or coming back after so long. Instead of starting a whole new book for the next draft of this story, I am going to keep posting here; keeps things simple for everyone.
It's been almost a decade since past me sat down and tapped this out for a school friend's birthday. How do I know this? Because the original Toxic Hero file says it was made June 22 2013 11:34PM. It's pretty solid evidence in my opinion. Also Wattpad says I first upload July 1st 2013. So there's that. Soooo.... HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY TO TOXIC HERO!!!!!! To nine years! May this following one be just as eventful as your first! Almost a fucking DECADE! Wild! I know! Knowing this I am now terrified... What if I haven't improved as a writer? But existential dread aside, the nostalgia! Am I right!?! If that's not taking the writing advise of take a step away from your work to come back with a clear head for future drafts, I don't know what is! Like you'll see, I've been ripping my first draft to pieces. It's been fun.
This story was and no matter the form it takes will always be dedicated to Jade that very dear friend. The dedication at the first chapter is their account; the story's basic concept 'A hero named Toxic who falls in love with the villain he fights' is theirs. I don't speak to this person anymore and have no way of knowing if they'll ever see these new drafts since their account has always been way quieter then mine and I have since left all socials that we shared for my own mental health, but I'm going to keep going because I love the story and it got a pretty quick following when I was first uploading it. So, for my love and the love of the cuties, I will begin this new draft. It'll be like a ten year anniversary kind of thing but like a year early. Hey maybe I'll be finished with this draft by the 10 year mark. That'll be a goal!
But yeah, if you're one of those who came back after SOOOO long, thank you so much for the support! I hope I don't disappoint.
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Another rant, I know, I'm sorry.
I don't think I've gotten to the point in Little Red where I go, "I'm redacting this in case I want to officially and for money publish! Mwahahahaha!" Kind of thing. But either way I'd like to say that this will be true here too. Mind you, it will be obvious. I wouldn't just cut complete chapters or pieces of conversations without saying anything.
The following chapters are going to be my next draft where I try to correct errors in the plot, tie off loose ends, cut useless ones, add characters traits or correct them and add setting. Grammar is not a major focus, BUT I don't want that to discourage anyone. I get peeps' brains work differently then mine and I won't deny you to scratch that itch if you so desire. In return I will try my best to be my best.
Also I don't know if I've really spoken about this, but I am an artist. Shocker, I know. Anyway, I'm going to try and make some art pieces to go with this. Like, I really wanted to draw the masks, and I FINALLY came up with some decent super hero/villain outfits. Cause it's been lacking, like seriously, if there's anything important about superheros stories, it's the clothes, right?! It's the boy's equivalent of magical girl transformations! I mean the powers are first for sure, but what they wear while being powerful is also cool. At least that's how the fashion lover in me sees it anyway. BUT That all will only start appearing in this second draft. If you read through the first one you'll know that I've left it as it was put up originally.
And finally, I want to put down some goals for this draft. Not to hold myself to by any means but more to guide my hand, keep a pantsers like myself on track. For me, drafting is the 'playing in the sand' part of writing so I never marry myself to ideas unless I'm obsessed. So anyway, a few goals: First, I want to give a better reason the villains are being villains, or at the very least explain their exploits beyond "ohhh look bad guy being bad!" I got some plans that will be implemented into this draft. I thought it up like a year or so ago... maybe longer since it's been nine years, tossed it into a journal and let the bitch collect dust. So, the who/what/how of things are foggy, so we're going at this semi-blind together! Second, give Clover a personality. He uhh... doesn't exactly have one. No matter what my notes say, Clover is sad boy who misses someone but can't remember who, just that he misses them. It's a great concept but like... not a character but still I'm gonna dial that up to about an eleven and see how it goes. Third, More BOY LOVE. A no brain-er am I right? I forgot the love! Well... Actually... Not really. The lovely person I wrote this for loves horror, unsettling horror, gore horror, anything scary. So the character was written correctly when looked under the original plans, be unsettling and scary but also flirt and have some kind of forbidden love side plot. But now in a larger setting and bigger story and paired with my personal preferences for writing stories, the love needs some depth! How else am I going to endear the love to you, the readers, and make it believable about the things I plan on making Vast and Mave do "for" Clover? ...Also I want to make it clear that no matter how that last sentence sounded, Vast is not romantically in love with his brother.
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Say Villain~!
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Non-canon image. It was to test height and some shading that I kind of hate. I didn't even finish it. So... Yeah not something that happens in either drafts.