Chapter 12

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~*~*~*Harry's POV~*~*~*

I knew I had to go in but I was frozen. It felt like my feet were glued to the ground especially when I looked in the window and I saw his dad's hands wrapped around his neck like he was trying to choke him. 

I soon was able to move my feet and went to the door opening it then closing it behind me by now they were beating him to the ground as the kids did at lunch. 

"You deserve this you gay piece of shit!" Geoff yelled beating him more and Ruth and Nichola just watched as well as Karen then I went up into the living room where they were. 

"What the hell are you doing!" I barked, looking at Geoff. He froze and gave Liam a disgusted look. 

"You know, I came in to see if Liam was moving in with me now I definitely know he's not staying here," I said picking him up and carrying him out the front door.

I ran as fast as I could to get to my house as well as sooth Liam who was shaking and crying into my chest and trying to tell me what happened. It didn't help that it was freezing out so that made his shakes so much worse. Chances are he's gonna be sick because I grabbed him and left I didn't even put a coat on him, but I had mine on so I took it off and put it around him. 

I got to my house opened the door with my foot then kicked it closed well attempting to take off my shoes which proved to be difficult while holding a crying Liam who's putting all his weight on me. Once I got my shoes off I went to the couch and sat down with him straddling my waist, arms around my neck tightly and head in my neck. I swayed back and forth trying to ignore the itchy feeling I was getting from his tears trailing down my neck.

After a long time of just hearing our breathing and Liam whimpering and crying, he finally spoke up.

 "M-my dad got m-mad at me." Was all he got out pausing to take a break. 

"Take your time love it's okay," I said softly hoping he'd calm down and finish telling me. 

"He said I was a d-disgrace to t-the family," Liam said into my neck. I was still shocked that his family could be so nice around me but be so mean to Liam it made me furious actually, if we had stuck around I don't know what I would have done to his dad.

"Liam I promise you aren't going back there, you deserve the world and that's what I'm going to give you," I said stroking his hair. 

"Thank you, I won't ever go back," He whispered and was out like a light.

Liam's sleeping, I'm bored and mad. I can't go outside since there's a blizzard I actually knew there would be one because I looked at the weather and all I could do about my anger is pace. I was really hoping Liam doesn't wake up or else I'll blow up at him with how angry I was, but how great has my luck been besides for the fact we won't have school for the rest of the week due to the shitty weather.

 Liam, of course, did wake up and was looking for me and found me pacing in the kitchen. "W

hat are you doing Haz?" 

"What do you think I'm doing Liam?" I snapped back I knew it wasn't right because Liam was emotionally unstable and I was just mad in general at everything that was living. 

"Pacing." He replied quietly backing up slightly.

 "Good job Liam you got something right!" I exclaimed I was so angry and I knew I'd regret snapping at him he looked at me slightly cowering away in fear.

 "Well do you want to do something we can watch a movie?" Liam suggested calmly trying not to make me mad. 

"You know what Liam why don't you just leave me alone!" I yelled and watched him exit the room in a blink of an eye going into our shared bedroom shutting and locking the door behind him.

~*~*~*Liam's POV~*~*~*

I don't know what I did I woke up and Harry yelled at me, was it because he hated me like everyone else? I shook my head and clawed at my wrist but stopped when I heard the doorknob being twisted.

 "Liam baby please open the door I want to talk to you about earlier." I pulled my head away from Harry's pillow it's been about an hour since I went to the room, man does time fly when you're crying. I opened the door rushing to the corner of the room afraid that he would yell at me again. 

"Li, come here I didn't try yelling at you, it's not your fault. I was just mad, please come cuddle with me," Harry said reaching out his arms towards me motioning me to walk into them. I stood up and hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck when I felt a slight tap on my bum and Harry mumbling up. I jumped so I had my legs around his waist and he laid me down on the bed and he straddled my waist. 

"You know you're the most beautiful person I've ever met," Harry said and kissed me it wasn't lust just pure love and adoration. He made me get butterflies in my stomach and no matter how many times I've wanted to strangle him I know that I would be nothing without him. "You deserve so much more than what your family gave you." He mumbled against my lips and pressed his lips back into mine then he kissed my cheek and kissed me all the way down to my neck attacking it with kisses no love bites or licking or sucking, just kissing. 

"I love you so much, Liam." He said then molding his lips back into mine; it all felt so incredible. I don't know what got into him maybe he feels bad about yelling at me.

 "I love you too Harry," I said in between kisses I swear if I could do this all day I sure as hell would but I can't, so when we get these moments where we can just make out without making it lustful is the moments I cherish the most. He pulled away looking into my eyes forehead on mine and the only sound is our breathing.

 "I'm just frustrated. I'm mad that your parents would act nice in front of me but hurt you when I'm not around. I just don't get it and I am going stir crazy because of the storm I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said pulling me up to his chest into a tight embrace which I happily accepted.

"It's all okay Harry, I know you didn't mean it."

I put my arms around his neck then pulled away, laying down and patting the spot next to me. He laid down and put his arms around my waist as I put my elbows on his shoulders and my hands in his hair playing with each curl I could find and reach. 

"So how about we watch that movie?" Harry suggested I laughed but nodded getting up and going to the door.

 "Coming Haz?" He nodded after looking at his phone then getting up and passing me. 

"So Liam, what do you say we invite the boys over and have a movie night?" I nodded just as Harry whipped out his phone.

 "Don't you have a phone?" Harry asked I shook my head and heard Harry gasp. 

"You're kidding right?"

 "Nope," I said quietly feeling embarrassed that I'm almost eighteen and I don't have a phone.

 "Oi Liam we're going to have to change that." He said smirking.

Halfway through the movie Harry and I were watching the boys came with a wrapped up box. "Hey guys!" Louis said happily then tackling us into a hug. 

"Liam we got you something!" Niall said excitedly handing me the wrapped up object I took the paper off and opened the box, only to find another box so I opened that one and took off the paper and found a phone. 

"Why'd you guys get me this?" I asked looking at them.

 "We thought you'd like one," Zayn said smiling then the rest of the night we spent time setting up my new phone and watching movies.

Hey guys so before I write how awesome you are you should check out a story called The Waiter Boy if you ship Ziam it is honestly the cutest thing ever I absolutely loved the story it's a little bit short but trust me it's a great story. But anyway, thank you guys I really appreciate it that you are reading this story I think I'm doing alright probably really bad but I'm trying because I really like to write stories and books it's one of my favorite things to do next to drawing but thank you guys so much I will still take your idea for a chapter and yeah I love you guys! -H

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