Chapter 23

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Ok guys by the time you finish this chapter the sequel will be up. thank you all so much I love you guys. The sequel is called One Year.

~*~*~*1 month later~*~*~*

~*~*~*Liam's POV~*~*~*

Christmas was great it was so much fun seeing Tyler's face light up when he saw more presents underneath the tree.

"Li, I'm home!" Harry called when he got home from work.

"Papa!" Tyler squealed trying to get to Harry.

"Hey boo," I said quietly when he walked in the living room. He gave ma kiss on my lips and sat down next to me with Tyler in the middle of us. "How was work?"

"It was fine I guess. it was really slow today and I had to clean out the back room. I've had better days." I nodded and ran my fingers through Tyler's curls that have grown like crazy in the past month.

"I swear everyday this little boys hair grows faster and faster." I shook my head.

"Tyler your gonna have Papas hair." Harry said and laughed as Tyler cheered.

"So Liam. I was thinking tomorrow we take Tyler over to Zayn and Perries house and you and I go on a date. how does that sound?" Harry asked grabbing my hand and placing light kisses over it.

I shrugged. "I guess it's fine, we haven't gone out since we found Tyler. Text them and see if they can watch him." He nodded and pulled out his phone.

Two hours later I picked up Tyler and brought him upstairs with a full bottle in hand. I sat in the chair and put the bottle to his lips which he happily accepted. I watched as he tried keeping his eyes open for two minutes then just accepted the fact he was gonna fall asleep no matter what. Slowly, he closed his eyes and stopped sucking on the bottle. I put the bottle on the shelf in his room and laid him down in his cradle. I leaned over and kissed his cheek before I left the room.

I crawled underneath mine and Harry's blankets an laid my head on his chest. "Harry," I whispered quietly but he was already asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep just as fast as Harry and Tyler which I did.

I was woken up by pressure on my stomach and something tickling my face. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Tyler on my stomach and Harry kissing my face.

"Time to get up babe, we have to take Tyler over to uncle Zayn and aunt Perries house!" Harry said with a big smile on his face. I sat up and looked at Tyler who had a dummy in his mouth and his eyes wide. I smile and stood making Tyler slip out of my lap and fall onto the fluffy bed. he was giggling loudly as he hit the soft sheets.

I got ready and we were out the door by two o'clock. Once we got to their house we opened the door and saw them cuddling on the couch.

"Hey, look who finally showed up," Zayn said standing up and taking Tyler from me. "Ready to have tons of fun baby doll?" Perrie asked Tyler who nodded and grabbed at her hair.

We talked for an hour before me and Harry left to go see 'The Hobbit' number two which was three hours long. We didn't really watch the movie, we sat in the way back of the theater and spent most of the time making out, it made the time fly by making the movie ended sooner then expected.

"Li, do you know what happened during the movie?" Harry asked as he started driving off to a restaurant that we were going to eat at. I laughed and shook my head no as we approached the restaurant. Harry jumped out of the car and came around to my side, opening the door for me right before I got to open it.

"Wow Harold you've gotten better at that." I mused when he closed my door and grabbed my hand.

"Yes I have darling because I know that no matter what you're always going to try to beat me to it." I laughed and he opened the door for me with a smirk on his face.
When we got in we were greeted by a waiter about our age and I felt Harry tense right away. I rubbed his arm trying to get him to release some of his tension but it only made it worse. he wrapped his arm around my waist and growled lowly in his throat as the waiter smirked at us and winked at me.

He led us to our table. "What would you guys like to drink?" he asked while staring at me. Harry glared at him, his usual bright eyes now a dark green.

"Water is fine and he'll have the same." I said pointing at Harry knowing that whatever came out of Harry's mouth wouldn't be good.

"Ok, I'll be right back with your drinks then." he put his hand on my shoulder and let it sit there for a few seconds before I shrugged it off. I heard Harry growl again.

"Harry quit growling you aren't an animal, it's okay."

"Know it's fucking not, he touched you and you're mine," he said darkly.

I glared at him as the waiter came back. He smiled at me and gave us our drinks. "Okay, what would you like to eat handsome?" He said looking at me I blushed, and Harry started standing up.
"Harry sit down," I said. He surprisingly listened but was on edge. the waiter 'accidentally' dropped his pen and reached down to grab it, in the process of grabbing it he grabbed my bum. I squeaked and I just knew Harry saw what he did.

"Alright that's enough." Harry grabbed the guys and pinned him against the nearest wall. "listen here that is MY BOYFRIEND you are touching, and if you don't stop touching him I'll beat the shit out of you." Harry growled and punched the waiter in the jaw.

"Harry stop!" I said pulling him away from the guy and leaving after apologizing for him being so rude.

The whole car ride we were silent, even when we picked up Tyler it was silent. I was kind of glad Tyler was sleeping, he didn't need to hear me and Harry fighting. When we got home I laid Tyler down in his cradle and shut the door then walked into the kitchen to find Harry in there pacing.

"What the hell was that Harry." I commanded, my eyes darkened and my breathing picked up.

"What do you mean what was that? It was me defending you since you obviously can't do it yourself!" he yelled looking at me.

"I can and I would've but you had to act like a big asshole and practically throw that man against the wall and punch him! I mean that's ridiculous Harry!"

"I was defending you!"

"You made me look weak!"

"It's because you are weak!" he screamed at me and then it was silent. I knew I was weak but having him admit it to me broke me, the one I love told me I'm weak.

He was breathing heavily and his nostrils were flaring. I took off the promise ring he gave me and slammed it down on the table. "Take it I don't want it anymore, it means nothing anyway." I said Harry growled and pinned me on the wall.

"Fine act like a little bitch, I'll go since you clearly don't want me. I'll leave you the house, the food, and the clothes but only for Tyler, and you won't have anybody there to protect you now you're on your own so grow a pair and start acting like a man." He snapped. He grabbed the promise ring and shoved it in his back pocket  He walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him. I soon felt the tears slide down my cheeks. My mouth was open in a silent scream as my legs gave out and I fell to the floor, sobs slipping past my lips. I don't have my Harry anymore, he's gone and is never coming back into my arms again.

Eventually I got up and went to Tyler's room to see him standing up looking at me. "Where Papa' he whined.

I scooped him into my arms and cried. "I don't know buddy I don't know." I sobbed out, "I love you so much."

"Love daddy." he said falling back asleep. I sat in the rocking chair with Tyler in my lap just holding him and crying which I did the whole night. my Harry's gone and now I'm not sure if he's coming back.

ALL DONE!! I'm so sorry that this is short I just want to start on the sequel but anyways thank you guys for making this story possible, I couldn't do it without you I love you guys so so much and thanks again!! -H

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