Chapter 2

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Hayley's POV

I woke up pressed against Chad's warm skin. I looked up, he was already awake and smiling down at me.

"Good morning Mrs. Gilbert," he said sweetly.

"Good morning hubby," I said back.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"I dunno. Just chill I guess."

"Okay. What shall we have for breakfast?"

"I'm gonna be boring and have toast."

"What? Hayley, there are about a gazillion dounuts left over from last night and you choose to eat 'toast'," he said in a voice that mimicked mine.

"I can't eat anymore dounuts. I still regret the amount I had last night."

"C'mon. They're good right? And this is our very first morning as Mr. And Mrs. Gilbert, please don't make me eat dounuts by myself," he said with puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, "fine. I'll eat dounuts with you."

"Good, now come on," he said, lifting me by my waist. He placed me on the floor and kissed my shoulder, his arms still wrapped firmly around me.

I started walking and he walked behind me practically spooning me.

"Stop," I giggled.

"Stop what?"

"Spooning me."

"You're my wife. Let me love you," he mumbled into my neck before kissing it.

"I can't walk properly with you up my ass."

He began to thrust against my butt jokingly.

"Stop it!" I snapped, smacking his thighs playfully.

He grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs where we were greeted by Alf.

"Hey buddy bear!" I exclaimed as I kneeled down to pet him.

"Didn't pet me when you first saw me this morning," Chad said.

"That's because I know what it is you want me to pet," I chuckled before walking into the kitchen.

I walked over to the counter and opened one of the boxes of dounuts. I felt Chad's hand squeeze my butt.

"Easy tiger," I said as I held one of the dounuts infront of his face, he took a big bite and made a noise that sounded like a sex noise.

"Easy tiger," I said as I held one of the dounuts infront of his face, he took a big bite and made a noise that sounded like a sex noise

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"Tasty?" I chuckled.

"Not as tasty as you last night."

"Not infront of Alf!"

"What? He can't understand what we say."

"Yes he can. Alf, sit," at that moment Alf sat down and looked up at me.

"He only understands that because we say it all the time to him."

"He still knows when we talk dirty."

"No he doesn't," Chad laughed.

"Well still I feel awkward. He's our son, you don't talk dirty inront of your son."

"Fine. We'll go upstairs and talk dirty."

"Nope," I said before taking a bite of the dounut that I fed Chad.

"Why not?"

"You were practically begging me to eat dounuts with you like two seconds ago," I said with my mouth full.

"Please," he whined.

"Later," I said.

He kneeled down to put some food in Alf's bow and it was the perfect oppertunity for me to kick his butt.

"Not infront of Alf," he said, mimicking me.

I smirked and sat on the counter top. Once he'd finished feeding Alf he stood inbetween my legs and kissed me passionately.

"I don't want you to go on tour on Thursday," I said.

"Well it's Sunday so we have a good four or five days to be together."

"I can't wait for Parahoy. I've never had sex on a boat before."

He burst out laughing. "Is that the only reason you're excited for Parahoy?"

"No I'm excited for the line up and the activities and everything it's just that on the first Parahoy we were taking a break. Now I get to have sex on a boat."

"If the cabbin's arockin' don't come aknockin'."

I giggled and shoved the last piece of dounut in Chad's mouth before hopping off the counter.

"Oh by the way you just talked sex infront of Alf and that is highly inappropriate," he joked.

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked into the living room. I stood facing away from the door and scrolled trough twitter for a minute or so. Soon I felt a muscular pair of arms pick me up by my waist.

"Chad!" I scramed with a giggle.

"We gotta talk dirty upstairs."

"You're such a sex pest."

"Hey, I am a married man. I'm gonna make the most of the time I get to have sex with my wife. Considering we'll probably never have the time when we have kids," he said as he carried me upstairs.

"We're not having kids for at least another year."

"Good. That means we get more time to talk dirty," he said as he dropped me onto the bed.

I took off my bra and summond him over with my index finger. He climbed on top of me and kissed up my jaw line.

"Morning sex is so good," I breathed.

"I haven't even entered the lair yet," he chuckled.

I laughed hard. "Shhh you're ruining the moment."

He placed another trail of kisses up my jaw line when eventually he got to my lips. He slid his tongue in my mouth and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"You taste good," he mumbled before going in to kiss me again.

I grinded against his waist and he pulled down my panties.


A/N: Annnddd I'll leave you on that note. Sorry I haven't updated in what seems like forever, I've been really caught up in another story that I'm writing. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think:)

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