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"Jhope?Care to remind me my job?"

"I thought I've told you?" The older lad furrow his eyebrows together,fingers typing away his on his well beloved laptop that I have grow to hate since he spent more times on the device compares to me.

"Yeah,your pet caretaker,right?"

"Absolutely," he smile and ruffle my hair before focusing back toward his laptop,probably finishing his undone work.

"But,it had been months past and you haven't even bought a pet yet," I deadpan and again,he stop typing.

"Tae," he inhale and run his fingers through his tousled hair as he lock his eyes with mine, "As you can see,I'm busy right now.There's so many projects and paperwork to be done.We'll get it when I have free time,okay?"

I take this chance to memorize each and every detail of his facials feature.

I can clearly see the newly form eye bags due to his lack of sleep,droopy eyes,chipped lips and pale face.

He look extremely tired because he had overworked himself after Mr.Jung had take his leave to Peru,making sure that everything run smooth in Korea.

Not to forget how lonely and sad he looked the day his dad moved out and a week after that.More than a month had past,now he is more,umm...manageable?

But his work is draining his energy and youth fast,it not even funny.How I hope he'll just rest for fully a day or two.

He seriously turning into a zombie.

"Okay,its yours anyway.I'm just asking cause I felt guilty,"

"Of what?" For the umpteenth time,I seriously feel like burning the laptop as he don't even spare a glance at me.

I'm talking to the air.

"Of not doing my work, of being a burden,"

"How many time should I remind you that you're not a burden,V," emphasising my nickname,he diverted his gaze onto me.


It been so long since I last stare into his eyes this close.I miss him.

And what worse,I don't even realize it until now.

I am so lost in his eyes that I forget to reply.It been age since he become the 'mature' businessman and stop being clingy.

The affections and care that I had got used to and comfortable with gone with his cheerful self.

At first I thought he was a pervert.All the skinships and hugs,when we just barely met and know almost nothing about each other.

As time past and I get to learn bout him better,I come to a conclusion that it was just the Jung's way of showing their love and care.That must be the side effect of growing in a lovely household.You become more caring and affectionate.

But now that all of those act has stop,I miss them.

Before I can stop myself,the words slip away, "I miss you,"

The clicking sound of the keyboard abruptly come to a halt and I swear all the blood is draining from my face.

My lips get dry as I part them in a futile attempt to cover up my tongue mistake.

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