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Lying isn't my strong point,it never was.But with Taehyung,it seems to be the only option that i had each and every time.Lie after lie,but it wasn't my fault.It isn't,right?

Or maybe it is.The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was to fall in love with a Kim Taehyung.

I feel bad tho for leaving him on his first day,but I know that the hyungs can take a good care of him and guide him well,and they did.

"Jung Hoseok?" a soft voice call my name carefully,pulling me out of my thought,I raise my head up, "right?"

"Son Naeun?"her smile prove my assumption as she sigh in relief,taking a sit across of me shyly.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for being late.The shooting took longer than I thought,"

"You're a-" I observe her admittedly beautiful face,soft long black hair,doe eyes frame by thick and long eyelashes,small nose and completed with a pair of thin cherry pink lips, considering choices of occupation that seems to fix her feature the most, "-model?"

And she shyly nod again as her cheeks dusted with faint pink,lowering her head as she speak queitly, "I-I wasn't that good.Maybe that's why you didn't recognise me but my dad's company and yours used to do a sort of collaboration,and I'm the model,"

"Oh," guilt prick my heart at her words,stupid me had hurt her feelings, "Sorry,got bad memory up here,"

She giggles at my gesture and words,warming my heart a little,no awkward tension lingering in the air as I expected it to be, "Its okay,like I said,I'm not good so its not a wonder that you can't remember me.If it wasn't because of my dad I could never be a model,"

"That's nonsense. I bet you're doing great at your work,so don't say something like that again.Plus,you're to beautiful not to be one,you're a natural,"

If her cheeks were light pinkish before,now they had turned deep shade of red as she stare at me wide eyes.And as my words sink in into my own brain,my expression mirrored hers.

Damn,I must've sound like a cheap crappy guy trying to hit on a classy girl.I open my mouth to explained myself only to have the words jumble up in my throat.

A soft shy giggles caught my attention and when our eyes hook up,she immediately lower her head with sheepish smile and the blush still evident on her face, "You too-,"

She raise her head,braving herself to finally lock eyes with me as her smile widen a little in a shy manner,my heart skip a beat by her beauty and words, "More than just handsome,you're angelic,"

My own smile stretched up as the heat rise to me cheeks,making me scratch my nape,half-embarrassed,half-happy.I guess going to this blind date wasn't a bad idea at all.

It wasn't.


Grinning like an idiot I play with my hair,thinking bout how one time her delicate fingers had playfully braided my hair,pulling my head to rest on her laps as she sat on the picnic mat.An old couple that past by gave us soft smiles and waves slightly,telling us how cute we were as couple.

I laugh at that memory.We're not a couple tho.

Maybe not yet.

My hand make its way carding through my hair once again,lips stretching upward further.

I felt free.

"You dyed your hair again?" Taehyung had ask but I just shrug,giving him my silly grin.

Naeun is the one whom insist for these cute color,and with her adorable pout,I obviously can't say no.She's too precious.

Honestly,I feel kinda bad for not be able to help Taehyung much when he's experiencing office work for the first time,I hang out with Naeun too much lately.But you can't blame me,she's a fun girl to be with.

When I'm with her,I'm stress-free.No judging eyes,no burdens.

Maybe its finally time,for me to move on.

Its a different case compare to Taehyung.There's always these awful stress ball burning in my chest whenever I get near him this days.It stressful to think that I want him so bad but I can't.

I'm not really sure what I feel about Son Naeun.

But there's one thing that I'm sure about Naeun.

She's a great girl.

My ears pick up sound of movement from the other side of the room,or more exactly Taehyung's bed and footsteps following after,getting near to my side so I pretend to sleep,shutting out all imagination and memory I had made with Naeun these past few weeks,one month to be exact. And through that one month,I had succesfully avoided any unnecessary interaction with Taehyung even when he gave me those puppy's eyes,I survived.

Or so I thought.

I feel the bed dip and my comforter been pull up slightly as a figure slide under it,timid hands circling around my waist.

"Tae,I thought we had talked this out.Stop coming to my bed in the middle of the n-," I cut off my own grumbles when I feel something wet soaking the back of my cloth.

His body vibrates against my back and his grip on me tighten as a sob break free from his lips.Wasting no time I whip around,holding him closed and he immediately hide his tears stained face in the crook of my neck.

"H-Hey,what's wrong?"

Shaky voice greet my ears, "T-Those nightm-mare,a-again..I-"

I pull him even closer,kissing his forehead before I cradle his head protectively against my chest. My heart beating in pain for him,until when will his past stop haunting him?

"I'm sorry Tae,"

As the night get darker,I had him back in my arms like how we usually were.


I hate it.Hate how I'm so weak for this broken guy in my arms.

When will you let me go?My eyes close as I feel a drop of tear escape the imaginary damp I had put up for almost one month already,I lost again.Dreamland welcome me a few minutes later,confusing me whether my mind was playing trick on me or my hearing was being truthful to me.Nevetherless,I heard a faint,

"I miss you,"





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