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"You know what Hopie?" Taehyung spoke,leaning back against Hoseok's chest and relaxing himself to the calm sound of the older's heartbeat,where they're currently sitting in the mini library as Hoseok finish his work on the laptop, "Jimin and I are such a bestfriend goal,"

"And why is that, if I may ask?"Not leaving his eyes off of the bright screen,Hoseok give the younger a 17 seconds late answer that made him pout internally,and yes Taeyung's counting.

He adjust himself on his seat,which is Hoseok's lap,a territory he stubbornly placed himself onto to gain a little attention that according to him,was lacking ; to face the older with a proud grin, "Because we both date our stalker,"

At this,Hoseok raise a brow, finally looking up at Taehyung ,"Ouch, is that a compliment or an insult?"

"It can work  both ways,make your choice.Just know that I'm glad to have such a hot,but still cute as hell and damn rich stalker,whom now I call lover," 

Taehyung wink and Hoseok laugh,throwing his head back as his laughter boom and Taehyung coo at the sight of his rare dimples poking out shyly and he poke them with admiration.Their faces have somehow get closer when the younger scoot to poke those dimples again and Hoseok's smile keep on getting wider that his face start to hurt,liking the warm emitted from his now boyfriend.

"You're so cuddly," squeezing the daylight out of the younger,he buried his face in the crook of the other lad's neck,inhaling his sweet scent.

But Taehyung just snort, "Look whose talking."

Pulling his head away from its hiding place,Hoseok display his dimpled smile again,making him look like a cute child on Christmas night and the undeniably whipped Taehyung lean in to brush their nose together in an Eskimo kiss,giggling like crazy after he pulled away.

After recovering from his insane giggling fit,he squash the older's cheeks together making a fish-face and Hoseok was forcefully pout, "Gosh,I love you so much,its crazy," 

With difficulty,Hoseok pry Taehyung's large hands off of his face and kiss them before talking his thought out with a cute smile, "I love you too,like crazy too,"

Like a fangirl that got hit by sudden seizures (don't tell me you guys don't understand how it work), Taehyung start squealing and squirming on top of his boyfriend from too much feels,Hoseok is too cute to handle.He lean down and rub their noses together again (this has somehow become their thing the day they become official), and close his eyes as he sigh in content,foreheads pressed together.No more drama he thought.

While Taehyung is drowning himself in the sudden comforting silence,Hoseok is admiring  his younger lover's features.Seeing them up close make his heart tingles with warm,proud to be able to call this masterpiece as his.His eyes gently trace the thick yet nicely-shaped eyebrows, down to his big closed-eyes,to the high-bridge of his nose,stopping to marvel the outline of his well-sculpted cheekbones and the sharp manly jawline,finally resting on his thick pinkish lips. Hoseok eyes flicker back up and he smile,poking the tip of Taehyung's nose.

"You have a mole here,Tae," he laugh,eyes crinkling in delight, "its cute,"

At the mention of his name,Taehyung open his eyes to get his eyes blessed with the view of a smiling angel,still with their foreheads against each other.

"And you have the cutest mole on your upper lip.I could stare at them all day," returning the soft smile,Taehyung run his dainty finger across the other pink upper lip,tracing the little beauty spot and amazed himself with the sight of fluttered Hoseok and his slowly reddening cheeks,still they remained the eye contact.

The older's eyes are like black hole,pulling him in deeper into them,unable to look away.Not that he want to.Unconciously,as if he's been put under a spell,Taehyung keep on leaning down until his lips and Hoseok's only a breathe away but he stop,afraid of taking the next step.For a second Hoseok's gaze flick up to hook with the other only to see his anticipating closed eyes, his breathing uneven and shaky.Taking the hint,the older take the lead and connect their lips softly. (yes child,it finally happen,,, after 50chaps B] )

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