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Jimin POV
  I was waiting to take my and Jungkook's order when I heard a rather familiar voice. It was that bastard. I pretended not to notice him and ordered. I got my order and went to where Jungkook was sitting.

"Here~" I beamed

He just nodded and took his burger. As he was about to take a bite out of his burger

"I got our food baby" the voice I heard before said

That dickhead

Jungkook noticed him as he sat beside the table we were sitting at. I looked and realized he was with a girl.

I noticed Jungkook saddening. I took his burger and fed him.

"I'm not hungry" He said

"Eat. Or else I'll be mad"

He then took a bite out of his burger. I kept on feeding him until he finished his burger.

That bastard and the girl he was with were being disgusting by feeding each other,calling each other stupid names such as 'snuggle bear','princess pop' Like what does that even mean.

I tried to distract Jungkook. I don't know if I worked or not tho.

We finished our food faster then them so we left before them. As we went out,Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and started crying.

"It really hurts Jimin hyung" He sniffed

I tightened the hug as he cries.

I release from the hug and wipe his tears "he's not worth your tears Jungkook" I say

I then think that Jungkook must be tired so we just decided to skip shopping and just go back home while we shop tomorrow or some other day.

"Jimin,I think I'll go back home" He says

"Are you sure? You can stay at my house"I said

"Yes,I'll be fine" He lightly smiles

I just nod and take him to his house. He goes to his house and I just go back to my house.

I lie on my bed and without knowing I fall asleep.

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