fifty nine

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Taehyung POV
I woke up feeling better. I looked to my right to see Jungkook sleeping extremely uncomfortably on the chair next to me.

I looked a him sleeping with dried tear stains on his cheeks.

Why did I ever leave him? What the fuck was going in my mind?

He's such a precious human being who deserves so much love. I was looking at him when he slowly fluttered his eyes open.

He looked at me, I looked at him. We made eye contact with each other for 2 minutes which felt like years.

He got up and was about to walk out of the room. I got up and yelled out for him. He kept on walking, I had no other choice but you follow him.

I got up from the hospital bed. Limping,I finally caught up to him. "Jungko-" I said but twisted my ankle and fell

3rd person POV

Jungkook looked back to see Taehyung struggling to get back up.

Jungkook quickly ran to Taehyung and helped him got up while Taehyung was just admiring Jungkook helping him get up

"Would you stop staring?" Jungkook finally said

Taehyung awkwardly looked away, "listen Jungkook I just want to-"

"What? You want to apologise that you lied to me? Again?"

"Yes, but. Jungkook trust me. I love you, I really do" Taehyung said

"How can I? How do you expect me to believe the same guy who broke my heart no once, not twice but like several times?!" Jungkook stated

Taehyung stayed quiet

"Maybe things could've been better if you just told me you were Taehyung from the beginning," Jungkook said "why did you have to lie to be someone else?" He yelled

"Because of I told you I was Taehyung, would you ever let me in?" Taehyung said

Jungkook stopped and looked at Taehyung

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook with sad eyes "that's what I thought" Taehyung quietly said "I know I did stupid and selfish acts in the past but I've changed Jungkook. Please trust me this once! I don't expect you to trust me either but I at least hope you give me a chance. Just give me one chance to prove you that I really do love you. I ask for nothing else. Please, Jungkook, please..."

"But how do I know you're not lying and using me again?" Jungkook asked still cautious

"If I mess up this time, I'll leave you forever, I'll never bother you again"

"I guess that's fair enough" Jungkook nodded

"So? Does that mean I get a chance?" Taehyung slowly asked

"I mean, I guess so" Jungkook shrugged

Taehyung smiled,"So are we friends?"

"Not yet asshole, you need to start from the very bottom and make your way up"Jungkook said

"How?" Taehyung asked

"Your problem, not mine" Jungkook said

Taehyung sighed, "well at least help me to my room?"

Jungkook nodded and helped Taehyung get to his room

Taehyung had his arm around Jungkook's neck and he said "you look so attractive from this angle"

"I look attractive from every angle bitch" Jungkook said

"You should stop hanging out with Suga hyung too much" Taehyung sighed while Jungkook simply rolled his eyes

They reached his room and Jungkook gently placed Taehyung on the bed, while he was placing him on the bed.

Jungkook slightly slipped and Jungkook was right on top of Taehyung.

They were looking at each other eye to eye, it felt as if time froze. Until Jin came and ruined the mood.

"Oh You're finally awake!" Jin said

Jungkook quickly pulled away from Taehyung

"Yea" Taehyung scratched his nape

"Okay, the doctor said you'll be free to go later this evening" Rapmonster said with a bunch of papers in his hand

Taehyung nodded

--time skip--
"Okay, Jungkook, take Taehyung to your room so he can rest" Jin ordered

Jungkook nodded and took Taehyung to the room. Jungkook helped Taehyung get on the bed and was about to leave when,

"Jungkook.." Taehyung quietly said catching Jungkook's attention

"Do you think the others hate me?" Taehyung asked

"Well, look back on all the things you did," Jungkook replied "what do you think?"

"Your right, they hate me.." Taehyung whispered to himself but Jungkook heard it clearly enough

"Well, they may start liking you if you show you've changed," Jungkook said "which I'm
not sure if you have" and left the room

Taehyung smiled and nodded to himself "I definitely have changed and I am going to make sure they know!"

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