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It was Saturday,Jimin woke up feeling uneasy he drank 7 bottles of soju the day before he felt his head hurt like hell. He took some paracetamols and washed up.

Jimin would only drink if he's in a really bad mood and he's a light drinker. This time he drank was all because of Taehyung. Jimin felt useless, he lost his bestfriend over a selfish brat and he could do nothing. He knew that Taehyung was never a good guy . Jimin never liked Taehyung,he pretended to like Taehyung when they were dating before for Jungkook's happiness but he can't do it anymore. Jimin had to prove that Taehyung is a no good asshole but he didn't know how.

Jimin stayed at home thinking of ways to prove Taehyung wrong but couldn't think of anything.

Jimin then decided to go out to get some food since he had none. He walked to the nearest convenience store and bought some drinks and snacks and of course ramen.

As he was going back to his house he saw something that was not very pleasing.

No way.



Kissing another girl and the weird thing was that,the girl was not the girl he came with to McDonald's.

Jimin felt anger boiling up inside him but decided to control it. He didn't want to hurt Jungkook by saying Taehyung is cheating on him but he also didn't want Jungkook to be toyed around by that jerk.

He quickly walked away from the scene and went to his house confused on whether he should tell Jungkook or not.

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