It was late September at this time. He winter season began in Northern Europe. It was one month and six days after the death of Augustus. Blasius arrived with his 25 men and two slave girls at a small harbor. The harbor was abandoned. There were also four other sail ships present. At the harbor was a small town, probably with less than 200 inhabitants. Blasius walked through the town, but it was empty also. One of his men broke into one of the houses. The house was abandoned.

"What could've happened here?"
"Maybe the people left to a more prosperous town.."
"Or some sickness devoured the population.."

Another one of Blasius' men finds something like an artificial hill, near a well. He calls the others to help hem dig. They discover many corpses hidden under a thin layer of dirt. The bodies didn't look that fresh. And they had multiple wounds, which implies those people were massacred. Everyone freaked out. 

"Come check this out.."
Another grave was discovered. This one contained a lot of children, below the age of 5.
"What the hell is this?!"
"What happened to all the people?"
"Well.. I'm not sure of this place is such a good idea..."
"We should sail further into the bay..."
Blasius agrees with them.

After they sailed further into the bay region, they arrived at an industrial complex of many harbors. There were some people around and some ships were sailing away. At their arrival they encountered an elderly man.

"What are you folks doing here?"
[Blasius took the word] "I'm Blasios, an ambassador from Cimbria, I'm here to lodge with my crew. But we approached another town before this one and it was abandoned"
"At the beginning of the bay?"
"No.. Somewhere in the middle"
"This region isn't safe at the moment. There has been a civil war around here. People have turned on each other. Commerce is going on as usual, but many towns are in blood feuds with each other. You can better move more land inwards. Also, it's the winter season now.. So soon you'll have a lot of snow around here. Lodge at a military camp if possible"
"Where sir?"
"Just three days walking towards the northwest. There's a camp with around 800 troops. Ask for temporal asylum over there"
Blasius was suspicious of the proposal.
"Do you know of any hostel nearby" he there an denarius at him. He catches it. "We will pay in Roman silver coins. Fresh minted in Italy"
The elder man shouts to group of men. After that conversation (in Old Norse) he winks the group Cimbrians to follow him.

They follow him towards a building, quite modern and decorated with sculptures. He (the elder man) spoke with two middle aged men for a while.

''You're looking for a place to lodge? We can arrange that, but it will cost you something'' one of them points to a well near them ''We want you to stay until the winter is over, due to the civil war and violent vendetta's going on. We will inform the chieftain of your arrival''

Blasius' envoyWhere stories live. Discover now