The Cimbrians traveled to a remove town, which was situated near a lake. On the lake there was a an island where there was a fortress. The Cimbrians crossed over with local officers. After arriving on the island they were permitted into the fortress. Inside the fortress lived the chieftain of the Province. He constructed the fortress as a safe haven for his family - just in case something as an invasion might take place. The Chieftain received the officers, but commanded the Cimbrians to remain at a distance.

''Who are these people?'' [he spoke old Norse] ''What are they doing here?''

''These are a Cimbrian envoy send by the King of Cimbria''

''Why are they not send to the King?''

''The King is occupied with rebelling provinces in the West. Also, there was a massacre in Oss, a coastal town last week. Some Goths looted throughout the area. I didn't want to send them to the Capital, with the risk of them being labeled as perpetrators. If they are no perpetrators then we might face also a war with Cimbria. Also.. the Cimbrian king has a Roman legion stationed in his counry''

''A Roman legion?''

''Yes Sir. Ten thousand troops!''

The chieftain became bleak in his expression. He froze.

''Sir! I acted in the best interest of our clan and our country! The leader of this group claims to be an ambassador from Cimbria. I propose that we treat them with the best kindness we have to offer and keep them safe until winter is over..''

''Correct! I want the ambassador and two others to remain here in the fortress, while the others are transported to the Little Hammer town, further in the North. The roads are not covered with much snow yet. The ambassador and two other Cimbrians remain here, the rest is separated to Little hammer! Understood?''


The officer returned and reported it unto Blasius. Blasius in response commanded two writers to remain with him. These were skilled polyglots and experienced with merchandise. That same moment the others were separated by the other officers. Blasius received an apartment at the center of the fortress, next to the market place. The apartment had two large rooms, a sink with fresh water, and the windows were decorated with expensive curtains. The other two men received smaller rooms at the edge of the fortress. The Chieftain did this in order to keep track of their movements. He didn't trust the three Cimbrian man due to his recent understanding that their homeland maintained a Roman military camp. The chieftain lived in the fortress with his wife, daughters, and his male and maid servants. The officers were hired from the Capital. Furthermore, there were often merchants that arrived with supplies for the fortress. The son of the Chieftain has disappeared years ago. According to the local people he was killed in a raid by Cimbrian pirates. Others claimed he was blood sacrificed by his own parents as a part of their sectarian obligation to the Norse gods. Nobody wanted to investigate the case because the facts were disturbing. Also, some people that began their independent investigations ended up murdered within days. One of them was a guard who served in the navy. His son later joined the civilian guard in order to avenge his father's death. He managed to station himself as an officer at the fortress. He is awaiting spring time to make his move. For now he's behaving himself in order to avoid exposure. 

Blasius' envoyWhere stories live. Discover now