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When the King of Norway received the report concerning the civil unrest in the South he informed about the Roman troops stationed at Hammer's Town. After being informed he also found out that there was a maritime officer named Parisiorus Joasus that was investigating the case of Aeröl, who named himself Erasmos, who became a Roman veteran. Aeröl was the illegitimate son of a Norse nobleman. He grew up with the desire to prove himself to his parents and his paternal family. He married early and begot many children. Afterwards he joined the Roman navy. During his time in the navy he lost his interest for proving himself. He decided to let go of the past and all the people that wronged him in the past. Aeröl, after his retirement, paid a tribute of 700 Aureus and 12000 Denarii to the state. Aeröl was said to be buried in Spain, together with other Veteran heroes. The King decided to wait until the return of Joas before taking action. The king himself was curious about the end of Aeröl and his household. 

Instead of Berigos, Joas and his men arrived at a town named Jehuda, which was led by a Hebrew elder named Ludo. At Jehuda they were assisted by the city council. The council of Jehuda warned about the fights in the South of Norway. The wife of Ludo, Anna and her two servants Eveline and Pianna, both assisted the men with meals and maps. Joas departed with his men by sea and arrived in the Bay region. Due to it being night they were able to rush quickly to Hammer's Town by horse. When they arrived in the morning they found that half of the people were gone. 

''That's weird''

''Where did everyone go?''

''They aren't killed...''

''Let's hope not''

''If they killed Roman soldiers, then Norway is in war with Rome... and nobody survives that!''

''Let's not make too fast conclusions!''

Joas rides to the house of Svenka. He knocks on the door. 

''What's going on?'' Svenka is sleepy ''O Joas.. what's going on?''

''What happened over here?''

''Many of the people fled to mountain villages due to the rising violence in the South''

''Why are you still here?''

''I didn't want to leave. I've been around here for years...''

''Look, we are going to the villa. I want you to come with us. It's safe with us over there''

''Ok hold on''


After five minutes she appeared with bags in her hands. She followed Joas towards the villa.At the villa she enters into the room where two Cimbrian maids were sleeping. She continue to sleep over there. 

In the morning she was woken up by the smell of cooking. The two maids were cooking a fish dish. 

''Hold on, Svenka, the dish will be ready within 30 minutes''

''Hey, how do you know my name?''

''Joas told us. You were brought in while we were sleeping. When we awoke he informed us about what happened''

''What is your name?''

''Frogertha! I'm from Cimbria''

''Hello Frogertha. Beautiful name!''

''Thank you!''

''Frogertha, why did you Cimbrians come to Norway anyway?''

''Our king wants to break loose from the treaty between our country and the Roman Empire. He wants to form a strong alliance with Norway. Some even say that he wants to unify Norway and Cimbria into one country, to stand as a strong nation against the rest of the world. Well, that last one is just a rumour. But many believe its true''

''So, why did they come with all those Romans?''

''There's a big legionary camp build in our country, by the Romans. So, it's a bit difficult to avoid the Romans. Our king is not against Rome, he just wants to focus more on Scandinavia and connect with them''

''Do you think that mission will be accomplished?''

''Why do you ask? I don't think so. Not unless the Roman Empire fell or shrunk in its size. I do think that Cimbria will get better economic relations with Norway. But that's all it will be. The Roman navy will always spy on Cimbria, especially because they have so many military camps between the Rhine and the Elbe. They are on our heels. Day and night''

''That must be horrible''

''Not really! The Roman occupation of the West of Greater Germany is for our advantage. Because of Rome non of those Teutonic tribes dare to war against us. The military camp in our country is also a defense against the exploits of other Germanic tribes. But.. it also has its disadvantages''

''It always has dear''

''By the way, Svenka, you're much older than we think.. right''

''Why are you saying that?''

''Well, before becoming a slave, I was involved with the Diana cult..''


''So, i know when a woman is using herbs and a diet to retain her youth. And I also recognised that name Svenka from a legend about a witch doctor that ruled a village further north. She was the daughter of that guy. She should be around 80 years old if the story is true and she's alive..''

''I'm 91''

''91!'' she is terrified ''91 years old!''

''Yeah! Scary isn't it?''

''And people think you are in your late twenties..''

''I'm not into the Diana stuff, Frogertha... I just learned some diets from my mother to retain my fertility. And I've always ate and drank in that manner. And I didn't even notice that I aged very slowly. It was until most of my peers died of old age, around their early 70's, that I began to realise that it would be my turn soon too''

''Well, you're still here! Enjoy it!''

''Yeah! Absolutely!''

Frogertha served the fish dish, with bread and wine.

''Here! Eat it! It's healthy!''

''Who cares if it's healthy? Its not as if I'm going to be around for long..''

''You might turn 110! or 130!''

''Haha! Another 40 years in this cold country!''

''Or you can visit Cimbria or Greater Germany... its a bit warmer over there''

''I will consider it''

''So.. you've been around for 90 years.. you must have learned a lot within that time''

''Well, it is a long time but.. eventually it will pass''

''I want to become 100. If possible 120...''

''You are ambitious!''

''Indeed! So how is the wine?''


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