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Joas immediately spoke to the fleet captain. They agreed that they had to leave. That same evening the Roman camp left the place, leaving behind all the Cimbrians. When the two women returned to the villa they found Svenka. Svenka was glad to see them. 

It was then that Svenka revealed a secret unto them

''That ambassador from your homeland, Blasius, I know him. He came to Norway several times before. We even met a few times. When he found out I was pregnant he stopped seeing me. After my pregnancy I send him the child by ship. My daughter should be around 15 right now. I couldn't raise the child by myself so I send her to her father who was wealthy!''

''Why don't you go to Blasius right now?''

''Because I found my daughter!''


''You, Karna!''


''Yeah. Blasius' father didn't want to be embarrased by his son's affair. So they pretended you was the daughter of a slave. The brother of Blasius took you as his slave. He knew the secret. That's why, as I found out, Blasius often payed attention to you''

Karna is shocked! Now, however, much of her memories begin to make sense.

''Karna! This is your homeland!''

''I'm a bit overwhelmed Svenka''

Karna leaves the room and goes to the Bath. There Frogertha joins her.

''Wow! That was unexpected...''

''Sveta.. or Svenka.. whatever her name is...  she's my real mum. That's why we look so similar too...''

''Aren't you happy?''

''i'm a bit angry.. I've been lied to my whole life''

''It's always hard to find out the truth.. especially in such a shocking manner''

''But hold on... if Sveta is my mother, that means that I'm a 6th generation descendant of that guy that founded that crossroad village''


''That being the case, that means that I carry some of their curses too''


''Let's be frank Frogertha! This situation is not normal. A woman who's 75 years old sleeps with a man of 24 and gets pregnant. It's possible. In some communities you have exceptions: women who remain fertile till their death. But that woman never got married despite that she looked good. That's weird. And why did you decided to hook up with Blasius, who happens to be my father? It seems to me that she didn't plan to become pregnant. It seems like she wanted to pass over that demon inside of her unto someone else. So she found a prey, Blasius, and decided to make her move. To her surprise, things happened differently. It would have been an embarrassment for her to have to carry a child on her age and raise it on her own. She would have followed him to Cimbria. But, probably, Blasius' family found out the truth about her and about her age. So they took me and send her away''

''Probably that's the case''

''I don't even know that woman and now I have to accept her as my mum. I don't think so!''

''We can better keep her at a distance''

''I agree! Or better, we should request for Blasius to come see us. Then we will see whether she is telling the truth!''

''We will do that!''

Blasius' envoyWhere stories live. Discover now