Chapter 15

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Dedicated to: Alexus Means for her awesomeness and patience lol


Chapter 15

Just before I was due to go face first into the water, my new found wings fluttered once...then twice and suddenly I had lift off. Eyes toward the sky, I sprung up from the waters surface, flying into the lavender expanse that created the sky. I fly through the clouds, allowing the warmth of the sun to caress my skin and my wings before I spin in the air and dive down towards the water, laughing all the way. Near the end of my speedy descent, I level out my angle and just coast above the water, just barely touching it and gaze down at the reflection in the water.

This girl that looks up at me through the water isn't perfect. But she is beautiful. Everything about her appearance at this point - clammy skin, tangled and dirty hair, ragged clothes - is wild. Animalistic. But her eyes are alight with such a wondrous fire that the emerald orbs seem to lighten at her thoughts and her smile is so incredibly real...she looks like happiness personified. The girl staring back at me puzzles me slightly before I realize that she is me.

I allow my hand to graze the water, disrupting the image as I close my eyes and fly off into the sky, only to be tackled in mid-air by a truck.

Speeding through the air at the force of the blow, I find myself sprawled across the sand with Nikolai standing above me, a murderous look on his face.

"What is wrong with you?" I scream at him as I sit up on the sand. My face contorts with anger as I feel the start of a nasty bruise begin on my butt.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" He screams back angrily. "You can't just go jumping off of cliffs! What if it wasn't time for you to rise? You could've died! Not to mention that display you did in the air. There are eyes everywhere here Prin-styes-sa! You may not see them, but they are there. If they report back to court that they'd seen you, you're as good as dead!" he finished.

I stand up and march in front of him, my eyes only reaching his collar bone even though before they only reached his chest. "Well excuse me! I just had the best experience of my life. I wasn't concerned with spies or the Queen or my father or death or Sin or you and your temper tantrum. For the first time in my life I was free. I felt something and I allowed it to show Nikolai! And I flew! It was the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't regret it. At all. Nothing you could say to me right now can ruin this," I said sighing happily.

His face screams fury, but his eyes whisper worry.

That look alone is enough to bring me off of my adrenaline high and I am met with a feeling of regret. At my thoughtlessness. My selfishness.

He says nothing as he storms away from me and into the thicket.

I walk over to Sin "What crawled up his butt and died?" I ask.

"He was afraid," he says simply, earning a dubious look from me, "He does have feelings you know. Though he tries hard to hide them. Since we were young, he's always tried hard to hide his emotions. He thinks that warriors should keep a firm hold on their countenance."

"Of course he has feelings! I just don't see how I could cause him to loose his cool. After I released the magick, my gift felt it was time and I agreed, so I rose."

"It was still reckless. You have to understand, risings are rare and we have only ever witnessed coddling and struggle at them. You didn't experience any of that. You just did it. Not to mention most of us can only fly a few feet before collapsing and sleeping for days the first time we rise. You were flying over water and doing tricks in the air, which was awesome by the way. You could've failed at any moment. Then where would we be?" He finished. I hate to admit this but he makes some sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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