Chapter 12

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I only had one comment on the last chapter of my book...*Crawls under a rock and waits to die*

Seriously though, PLEASE COMMENT! It lets me know that y'all enjoy what I'm doing and makes me feel better as an author.

This is dedicated to all of my lovely new fans : )


Chapter 12

I sat there like a lifeless void. Unmoving. Unblinking.

The only thing I can think of is running but I can't.

I'm paralyzed.

Not with fear of death or responsibility, but with fear of the unknown.

And then there's the blackness....

Darker than any night I've ever seen.

When I was eight, some kids locked me in a closet for three hours because a family wanted to adopt me.

I remember balling my body up and rocking like I belonged in a mental institution. The darkness in that tiny space just seemed to stretch on and on and engulf me like I was oxygen and the darkness was a vast and empty flame.

I wish I could scream.

Kick away the darkness that's just so content on clouding my mind...but I can't. I'm powerless against it and once again I'm that little girl in the closet.

'Fight. Back' A familiar voice says.

'Who's there?' I scream out in my mind.

'You are stronger than this.' The voice says once more.

'Don't play with me! Who are you?'

'The question is, who are you?'

'...What's that suppose to mean? Look, I don't even care who you are anymore, just get me out of here! Please!'

'FIGHT BACK KATARINA!' I know the voice now. How can I ever forget that grumpy timbre.

'I can't! Please help me!'

'...So weak. So human. Why our souls decided to meet I have no clue...'

'Please...' I said weekly, praying that if this stupid supernatural voice would kill me, that it'd hurry the hell up.

The voice sighed and whispered 'Open your eyes and turn around child'

Is she trying to be funny? 'I never closed them... and I haven't moved' I muttered, not happy with this game.

'Yes you did. You accepted me and then you decided to think for yourself and worry yourself so much instead of relying on your promise. You closed your eyes and turned your back to me. If I had a body, I'd be tempted to strike you for your insolence, but since I don't and I cannot, you need to realize that you can't face what is to come alone.'

'What does that even mean? Are you gonna help me or what?'

'Do you trust me?'

'I don't know you.'

'Pity. I already know so much about you. It's either trust me and leave this place or stay here until your incompetent protectors can bring you back and who knows how long that'll take?'

I sighed hearing the truth in his words and silently snickered as I pictured Nikolai's face if I were to call him incompetent. '...Will you hurt me?'

'You may anger may at times, child, and I wish I could express that physically, but I could never hurt you'

' I can't tell if you're lying...'

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