Chapter 6

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Dedicated to @CheekiMonki :)


Chapter 6

"I can't believe she passed out."

"What do you expect? She grew up with humans you idiot! She's extremely strong but being around them has messed with her rational mind. It doesn't matter now though. She has to accept the truth now considering what she saw," I heard someone say.

Ugh, my head hurts. I've never had a hangover before, I couldn't even get drunk, but I imagine this is what it feels like. My mind is foggy, like I slept too hard or something and I'm all disoriented...until I remember.

Sin. Sidhe. Fairy. Sexy abs. Tattoos. Wings.

My eyes open so quickly that the light blinds me briefly before I adjust and sit up like a rocket.

"Hello, Prin-styes-sa. Glad you're awake." The annoying jerk, also known as, Nikolai said, giving me a slight smile.

Thank God! It was another dream. Just another stupid dream....

'I hate you, over active imagination.'

"What's the matter Prin-styes-sa? You look startled. Is there something you want to share?" Nikolai asked, his tone seemed condescending and his eyes looked at me knowingly.

"Nothing. Just a bad dream. Where's Sin?" I asked him, still questioning his weird looks.

"I'm right here, Princess. I'm not going anywhere," Sin said from behind me.

I turned around to face what I thought was my normal friend, only to find...he had wings.

Dear God it's not a dream.

"Afraid not, Prin-styes-sa," Nikolai said, his tone dripped with amusement. He took obvious pleasure from this entire situation.

"Stay out of my head, you freak!"

"But it's far too interesting!" He responded in a very obnoxious and high-pitched imitation of my voice. I would've argued with him until his ears bled, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything else as Sin's...wings extended slightly.

It was so odd. He looked perfectly normal and then, giant greenish-yellow wings pop out from his back. And you can tell they're not fake. It's literally apart of him. When he breathes or moves slightly, the wings would jerk a bit or move with him. He spread his arms out wide and his wings extended slightly.

It was so unnatural looking...but at the same time, the nagging feeling in my mind told me that it was completely natural.

And I hated to admit it...but they were very beautiful. I just had to touch them.

I got up, only just noticing that we were back in the hotel room, and made my way over to Sin. I couldn't bring myself to touch his wings directly, though my mind screamed for me to do it, so I raised my right hand and lightly traced the muscles on his chest that although were still somewhat new to me, were more familiar.

They hadn't changed at all. It still felt the same. Warm tight skin stretched over hard muscles that had to be at least partly genetic because just working out at the gym will not give you this body.

I traced my hand from his chest to his shoulder and around to the back of his neck. Then, I ducked under his very large wing, barely missing it as it moved slightly. I still can't bring myself to touch his wings, so I opt to trace the area of his back.

Surprisingly, his wings only extend out of his skin in either side of his spine, and only about a quarter of the way down.

'Okay, get a grip girl. They're just wings.'

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