Chapter 13

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Please excuse any mistakes!


When I got home I received a long ass lecture from my parents about how this was my last year and I didn’t need to be getting in trouble, how this could mess up me trying to get into college, and how it can make me look. Like I didn’t know all this shit beforehand. In the end I got suspended for 10 days. My parents went back to work and left me by my lonesome. My parents tried to “scare” me by taking away my phone and TV. I looked over at the clock noticing it was only 3 pm. Since schools out now I figured that Sean would go see Tisha. Honestly I really don’t care! I mean I do since he is my best friend but fuck her!

I was sitting around the house bored as hell! My parents had a late night and I had a lot of time on my hands. They took away my shit but that don’t mean I can’t go out! As I was thinking of a place to go to free me of boredom I heard a tap on my window. I got up and pushed the blinds to the side and saw Sean. He looked so damn good. He had on a beater, some black sweat pants, socks and slides and a snap back that was on backwards. “you gon let me in?” he asked before licking his lips. I snapped out my trance and opened the window. “My bad” I said as I moved out the way and watched him climb in. “you good” he said before plopping on my bed. “I been calling you and shit” he said as I closed the window. “Yeaa my parents took it away to scare me” I said with air quotations around scare me. “Damn” he said laughing. “I know” I said rolling my eyes and smiling slightly.  He got quiet as I laid down by him. “I heard she had a broken nose and swollen face” he said after a while. I just looked at him. Why he bringing this up now? “Oh. Well I got a pretty bad scratch” I said pointing to the bandage on my face smirking. He was quiet again. “Why did yall fight?” he asked looking at me. “She came at me sideways talking bout why I’m always with you and had the nerve to push me!” I said with my face scrunched up getting upset all over again. “Mmmhm” he said before messing with his phone.”

“You still love me?” he asked still looking at his phone. I sat up and crossed my legs so I was sitting Indian style. “Yes” I said quietly. “For how long?” he asked looking up at me. “A couple of years now” I said looking away. I started to feel real funny once he got quiet again. “For real?” “Yea” I said messing with my socks. Just thinking about him made me feel emotional. The way I feel about him I never felt before. Only he makes my heart flutter and make feel funny. I felt my eyes start to sting and my face get hot. Seeing him with Tisha really hurts me and all I want is for him to at least like me back. As if he knew what was wrong he pulled me into his arms and held me tight. I laid my head on his chest and he tightened his grip around me. Hearing his heart beat calmed me down and my tears went away. “I feel real safe in your arms”

I said in his chest. “Huh” he said looking down at me. I looked in his eyes and said “I said I feel real safe in your arms” “you suppose to” he said smiling and kissing my forehead. He just held me in his arms. He looked at me and then looked away then looked back again. “What” I asked confused. “Don’t worry bout what ya moms say” he said before kissing my forehead. I frowned and started to speak when he cut me off and said “don’t worry bout what ya dad say” and kissed my nose. I giggled a little at what he did. Nobody has ever kissed my nose. “Don’t worry about Tisha” he finally said and leaned down and kissed my lips. I immediately got goose bumps, my hart fluttered, and I felt tingly all over again. He pulled back and looked me in my eyes. He leaned back in and kissed me again this time deeper. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he sat me on his lap so I was straddling him and wrapped his arms around my waist tighter.

“Act right act right money don’t fold unless it act right-““yooo” he said answering the phone. “Yea…I’m busy” he said looking at me up and down. I started to blush and looked at away. “I’m with somebody” he said leaning back on my head board. “Somebody I care about” he said licking his lips and looking at me. “Man I aint got time for dis” he said before hanging up. I turned around and sat in between his legs so my back was to his chest. I grabbed his hand and placed my small hand to his, palm to palm. “You got some small hands” he said laughing “I know man” I said laughing too. He intertwined our fingers and held my hand. “The niggas at school say I’m lucky” “whys that?” “Because I be with a beautiful girl like you that don’t pay them no mind.” I smiled thinking about what he said. I really don’t pay these boys any attention they so damn childish! “But I feel blessed” “why you say that?” I said facing him. “Because this beautiful girl loves me and I…” “You what?” I said with my heart beating fast. “I…uh…” “ can tell me.”

I said looking in his eyes. He just looked as if he was debating something in his head. His phone went off and he looked at it. “I gotta go” “what?” I asked frowning. “I’m sorry licia I gotta go tho” he said getting up and putting his slides on and opening my window. “Sean don’t leave me like this!” I said as he climbed half way out the window. “I’m sorry” he said getting all the way out. “Sean!” I yelled sticking my head out the window. He turned around and grabbed my face kissing me. He slipped his tongue in and pulled my face closer, as if it was possible to do so, to him. “Sorry boo” he said when he pulled away. I stood there catching my breath and watched him leave.

Finally updated!!!! I been really busy lately. My God sister from School came to stay for a week and I been busy getting ready for my sophomore year in College! I know for a fact when it’s time to come back I won’t be able to update as much! But I will TRY to update more often before I leave! Anyway I saw you guys been voting and commenting! I APPRECIATE it all! It means a lot to see yall liking/loving my stories! Yall be having me cheesing hard as hell when I see a new vote or comment lol anwaysss VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW! Thanks a lot!

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