Chapter 18

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Please Excuse Any Mistakes!


“I never knew you felt that way.” I said smiling. He just shrugged his shoulders and laid on the bed. “Go get dressed we going on a date” he said sitting up. “To where?” “It’s a surprise.” “How I’m supposed to know what to wear?” “surprise me” he said winking. I just looked at him. “I’ll be back around 7 and put curls in ya hair” he said before kissing my forehead and leaving out. I shook my head and went to my closet.  I picked out a pair of white skinny jeans form H&M, a dark blue sleeve less collard button down that was sheer like and had an opening in the back that was like butterfly wings so my back was out and some dark Blue, white, red, black and nude Aztec design wedges. I went to shower and get ready. I got out and creamed my skin. I put my clothes on and did my makeup. I then proceeded to put curls in my hair. After I finished I touched up my teeth and spray on perfume. I looked at the time and had 15 minutes to spare. I changed out my belly ring and put in a dangly one instead. I placed my heels on and grabbed my black purse. I placed my wallet, CarMax and phone in it and headed downstairs.

“You look beautiful” my dad said smiling. “Thanks daddy” I said smiling back. “You’re welcome sweetheart.” Ding dong! “Daddy go open the door!” I said running to the kitchen to hide. He laughed and opened the door. “Hello Mr. Grey” “hello Sean” daddy said shaking his hand. “She’ll be down soon. So where you taking her?” “It’s a little surprise I got” Sean said smiling. “Ooh okay. Be safe and have her back at a decent time! If it gets too late call!” “Alright sir.” I decided to come around the corner. I was messing with the contents in my purse like I was just coming down.  I looked up and saw my baby looking fine as ever! He had on baggy pants, a Akoo shirt and some Jordan’s. He had his Matching Snap back in his hand and it look like he just got a haircut. His eyes lit up when he saw me. “Hey Sean” I said hugging him. “Hey Alicia” he said hugging me back. I took in a deep breath of his cologne and almost got weak. If my daddy won’t stand right there I would have attacked his ass!

“Yall be safe” “okay bye daddy” I said kissing him on the cheek. Sean held my hand and opened my door for me. I smiled and got in. he walked around to his side and got in starting the engine. “You look gorgeous baby” he said licking his lips “thank you. You looking good ya self.” I said smiling. “You know me” he said getting cocky. I laughed as he turned the radio on and backed out. We had been riding for a good 30 minutes now. “Baby where we going?” I asked looking at him. “You’ll see” he said grabbing my hand. “Are we almost there?” I asked impatiently. “Yes Lili” he said laughing.

We pulled up to an abandoned area and he parked the car. He got out the car and started walking. He stopped and turned around and came back to the car when he saw I wasn’t with him. He opened my door and looked at me. “You getting out?” “Nope” I said with my arms crossed. “Why not?” he asked smacking his lips. “Where the fuck we at? You secretly trying to kill me or something? I asked with my nose scrunched up. “Girl get out the car the surprise is over there.” He said laughing. I blew my breath and got out. He grabbed my hand and led me across the field. Me being scary and shit kept looking back over my shoulder.

This that scary movie type shit. Shit I aint dying tonight. “Baby calm down” Sean said laughing and pulling me closer. “Baby why we walking up a hill” I asked getting tired. If I knew we was gonna be doing all this I would have put flats on. “Stop asking so many questions Licia damn.” He said pulling me in front of him and covering my eyes. “Sean don’t play with my emotions” I said getting nervous. “Yea, yea” he said still leading me. Suddenly we came to a stop. “What’s going on?” I asked trying to pull his hands away. “You know I love you with all my heart right?” he softly asked me in my ear. “Yea” I said blushing.  He kissed the back of my head and removed his hands. When he did I almost cried. We were standing in front of a little table with food prepared, little lights hanging from the trees and soft music playing. “Babyyyyy” I said facing him and hugging him tight. “I know” he said laughing.

He pulled my chair out for me and went to sit down across from me. “Take the lid off the plate” he said smiling. I pulled it off and saw Alfredo chicken pasta, my favorite. I smiled big. He poured me a glass of water and started to eat. “Oh naw. You better say grace!” I said frowning. “My bad” he said wiping his mouth with a napkin and grabbing my hands. “Lord thank you for letting us see another day. Thank you for my sweet boyfriend that went out the way for me. Bless the food and the hands that prepared it. Amen.” I said opening my eyes. “Amen” he said before eating.

After we ate we got up to dance to Miguel’s “Adorn”. I had my head rested on his chest and his chin was rested on my head. “Lili” “yes” I said looking up at him. “I got a question for you.” “Okay” I said. “Can you see us together forever?” he asked licking his lips making my heart flutter. “Yes” I said smiling. He leaned down and kissed me grabbing my ass. “Come on, let’s go home.” He said holding my hand.


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