Part 8: The Gossip Game

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The car ride home was long and silent I just wanted to think, I wanted to breathe, I wanted some time, to do what I don’t know but for some reason I just wanted silence. Staring out the window all I could think of is how I’m going to handle this at work tomorrow night dealing with Coco. We both didn’t like each other  but there was nothing really with substance that pushed us both over the edge to hating each other, but I’m sure this would be it. I’m not afraid of the bitch or anything it’s just I need this job and the last thing I need is her stirring up some shit at work that will get her another ass whooping and both of us fired.

“You alright?” Gabbie asked concerned as she sped down the highway towards our place. I looked at her a shook my head.

“Just a lot on my mind, I can’t believe I let that nigga lead me on like that it’s not the fact that we fucked, or even that he’s been with Coco while trying to pursue me. It’s the principal and the principal is he had no reguard to the fact that he was fucking with two bitches that worked together period.” I said in a low tone refusing to raise my voice and show how upset I was on the inside, because on the inside I was hurt. I had high hopes for him and everything he told me and showed me that day about himself means nothing to me, his character was shot in my book, he wasn’t the man I thought he was.

Exhaling she pulled up into our complex and shut off the car.

“Look, I know the nigga kinda threw you in for a loop tonight but you can’t count him out already, before you even let the man explain you slapped he shit out of him.” She tried to hold back from laughing and continued. “Even you said the bitch Coco was crazy trying to fight you on the first day at work and shit who does that? Who’s to say they were just fucking and she got crazy and he stopped fucking with her? Who’s to say she’s just obsessed over the nigga? You never know.”

I shot her a look and rolled my eyes knowing that as usual she was right about the situation. I didn’t know what the entire story between the two were and I didn’t even give him a chance to explain. I was angry and my adrenaline was rushing at that moment everyone was a target. But I’ve already embarrassed myself enough infront of him and many of his friends there was no turning back all I wanted to do was forget about the entire night.

“I don’t know Gabbie I just need to think about everything.”


I woke up to 40 missed calls and 55 text messages from people I haven’t talked to in months some from Khleo ranging from last night into this morning, and a few from Chyna. What the fuck is going on?  I thought to myself, I decided to call Chyna back to see why my phone is blowing up. My anticipation was rising with every ring until she finally picked up.

“Well someone had a busy night huh?” She said laughing

“What are you talking about? Bitch I got so many missed calls.” I said confused just wanting her to spit it our already.

“You’re the exclusive story on Mediatakeout today, welcome to the club bitch!” She laughed non stop trying to finish her sentence “They got a video of your ass on there fighting Coco!” I leaned up in bed and fondled with my laptop typing in the website as fast as I could, my hands were shaking uncontrollably as my nurves began to take control of my body. A photo of Khleo headlined the urban gossip website, I reluntantly clicked on the link and read the article.


According to one of our reliable snitches Khleo Thomas who was the little boy Zero from holes and starred in other movies since like roll bounce, standing tall, and others has a thing for strippers. He threw a small get together for friends and invited new popular stripper Rider from King of diamonds strip club out to join him well apparently his main skripper jump off Coco a veteran at King of Diamonds walked in on the two FUCKING!! And had an all out skripper ass naked brawl click the link for the vid!! Now we must say after we did our little investigation we’d say the winner of this throw down was RIDER the girl got attacked ass naked and still held her own! We even heard she slapped the shit out of our boy Khleo this is some Players club shit!! UPDATES COMING SOON!

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