Part 19: Come Home

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“She was getting in your head she had you believing that I actually shot Gabbie, I had to do something it was just impulse I don’t know!” Angie screamed walking back and forth frantically. I’ve never met a bitch who’s impulse was to shoot and kill. I’ve met plenty of bitches like me who’s impulse may be to slap a bitch or whoop her ass but never to kill, unless they’ve done it before.

Swallowing my pride and rage towards her due to the information I had just found out from Coco before Angie planted a hallow hole smack dab in the middle of her head. As much as I wanted to pull out my gun and end her life right then and there for being the one behind my best friend’s temporary absence out of my life. It was taking everything inside of me not to shoot her right then and there but I knew that a victory like that is only short lived, instead I was going to make sure that her empire, personal life, and reputation went down in flames.

“I didn’t believe a word she was saying you’re my best friend my ride or die. Let’s just get out of here before these white people call the police.” I forced myself to say.  She walked ahead of me, allowing her to open the door as she left I closed it behind me using my shirt making sure to not leave any finger prints behind.

I punched the gas petal once inside of the car and drove the speed limit back to the house to avoid any traffic violations that the police would be itching to pull us over for. The entire ride there Angie talked about why she did what she did but her voice was only background music to the things that were going through my head. I was plotting and planning for her demise, if there wasn’t one thing my dead beat mother taught me it was that ‘revenge is best served cold’ and I was more than willing to wait for Angie’s appetite.


As soon as we got back to the house I headed to my little place in the back yard. Feeling a settle touch on my arm I turn around and face Angie, a look of concern was plastered across her face, it took everything in me not to slap it off but I knew I had to hold on just for a few weeks. “You seemed distant in the car you sure you’re alright?” She asked

I exhaled and shook my head acting as if she had hit the nail right on the head about my feelings. “I’m sorry girl it’s just I never saw anyone get murdered before that shit kind of fucked me up.” I said lying, I could give zero fucks about Coco being dead I was more fucked up with the fact that I’ve been kicking it and trusting the same woman that put Gabbie in the hospital.

“I know, but knowing Coco she was telling you that phony ass story just to buy her some time to be able to pull a gun out and kill your ass so in retrospect I saved your life.” She said placing her gun on the kitchen table, I nodded my head and smiled before taking in a deep breath and hugging her.

“And I’m glad you did, I would of done the same thing for you.” I whispered into her ear, deceivingly. Once the embrace was broken she had a huge smile on her face showing off her two deep dimples. I made my way to my house and immediately went to work my face didn’t move from in front of my MACbook Pro for at least an hour., emailing back King and club promoters that were interested in me hosting for the night just so my face and ‘relationship’ with Drake would bring a crowd to their establishment. Scrolling through my phone I sent out a text to Aubrey, it was my mission to do everything in my power to make him fall for me that was the first and most important step in my master plan.

Sent to Aubrey “Drake” <3 ( 6:06pm) : Sorry I didn’t get a chance to call today, it’s been a hectic day KING booked me for a shoot and interview J.. Anyway I just got a chance to really and sit and think about all you did for me the night at the club. After all the shit I talked you still pursued and even faught Brian because of me… I think I want to give us a try…seriously guys like you don’t come around too often.

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