Part 13: Family Reunion

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“Can I get an update on Gabriella Santana?” I asked the nurse with a shaking voice.  The nurse swung her golden hair to the side and threw up her perfectly manicured finger up telling me to wait until she got off of the phone. Reaching over the counter I press my finger on the receiver disconnecting her from her call. She looked at me in shock putting her hand up to her heart as if she was appalled. “Look bitch my sister has been in surgery for over an hour since we have gotten here I haven’t heard from a doctor once now, unless you want to be the next one in surgery you’ll get your pretty little ass up and check on her!” I exclaimed angrily through clench teeth making sure no other people heard me.  With her bright blue eyes bulged out she sighed helplessly placing a number into the phone and calling for a nurse to check on Gabbie’s operation. I stood impatiently trying my best to listen in on the conversation between the two women. The secretary peered up at me and smiled nervously before hanging up the phone. “The doctor is still in surgery with your sister but as soon as he is finished he’ll be right out with information for you.” Her voice tremered as she spoke to me, I nod my head accepting that I couldn’t rush the process of the operation and began to cry uncontrollably making my way back to my seat.

The warmth of Khleo’s soft lips against my flushed skin caused chills to go through my body, I looked at his weary eyes and blood stained t-shirt ashamed that I put him through so much in such a short amount of time. “I’m sorry for this.” I whispered to him in between my tears.  “You have no reason to be sorry Sheneka I’m glad I was there to be here for you, alright?” He rubbed his hand up and down my back slowly as he spoke to me trying his best to console my broken heart.  “I’m not good for you Khleo, I’m not who you think I am I can’t believe this has happened to her who would have done this??” I asked begging for an answer that I knew he couldn’t give me. “You’re everything I want though, and for the person who did this they’re gonna get theirs babe I promise just have faith.” He whispered as he kissed on my head pulling my close, images of Gabbie’s lifeless body lying on her bedroom floor in a puddle of blood flashed in my brain as I stared off into space.

 Her body was cold and empty when I kissed her lips they were dry and resembled nothing of the plump ones she always kept moisturized with her favorite lip-gloss. “Whats taking them so long, I need to know what’s going on behind those doors!” I explained to Khleo as I cried silently. “Surgery takes time you have to be patient with things like this for the best results, imagine if they came out here 10 minutes after they took her it wouldn’t be good.” His soft voice soothed my mind and eased my heart agreeing that maybe he was right I just needed to try to relax and pray. It’s been years since I’ve really prayed after being sexually abused for two years by my step-father and everyone choosing his side besides ours I gave up on the idea of a fantasy man living in the sky looking after us as his children.  I never had a father so when my mom introduced him to us I was ecstatic that a male figure was in the house for me to look up to like I saw daughters do in the movies.  All I knew about fathers were that they were supposed to be protectors he did the complete opposite to me instead of protecting me he became the man that I needed to be saved from, the worst thing that could of ever happened to me, unfortunately because of her good heart Gabbie got dragged into it and also became his victim. I blamed myself every day for befriending her not because I regretted our friendship but because her passions for me lead her to feel the need to protect me and it ended in disaster. 

The piercing sound of a woman’s scream forced us to turn to our left and acknowledge the presence of Gabbie’s mother Teresa and cousin Twan. Ever since the situation with my step father Gabbie and I occurred she felt as if I was the devil and caused nothing but problems and drama for her daughter and family. Physically and emotionally weak I remained seated as Khleo stood up I clenched his hand tightly. “Just sit Khle.”  Ignoring my suggestion he held out his hand to shake hers she swatted it away fiercely and began to curse at him in spanish, everyone left in the waiting areas eyes shifted towards us and the confrontation. Tan stood by with his hands folded as if in agreeance to the things she ways saying. “That girl is the devil reincarnated she is selfish and empty on the inside she drags everyone around her into and her dramatic world because she doesn’t want to go through it alone!” She yelled with her strong Puerto Rican accent something came over me and I stood up in defense of my character Khleo grabbed turned to me and grabbed me by the waist knowing what I was capable of. “The devil?! You were never there for her we raised EACHOTHER! I’m sorry about what happened to her but it also happened to me!” I screamed through tears Twan shot me a look of disgust as he grabbed his aunt’s hand and directed her to have a seat. “You my child have a dark cloud over you no matter where you go and no longer will my daughter be around that, I can promise you that!” She spoke as she took her seat. Khleo hugged me trying his best to calm me down and console me. A tall copper toned man with jet black hair and a white doctor’s coat on made his way out my heart beat began to slow down as he made his way towards us. “Rivera family?” I stepped forward breaking away from Khleo’s embrace. “Yes.” My hands shook as we shook hands, forgetting about Twan and Teresa they quickly reminded me they were present when she pushed passed me and introduced herself as Gabbie’s mother. “Hello Mrs. Rivera, so I wanted to inform you two that the surgery was successful we were able to get the bullet fragments from her lower abdomen and neck but unfortunately, we weren’t able to save the fetus I’m terribly sorry.” My knees buckled when he mentioned Gabbie being pregnant. “The… the fetus?” I repeated him trying to speak over Teresa’s hysterical crying, he nodded reluctantly. “Go on doctor.” Khleo said trying to get to the information about Gabbie that we all yearned for. “During the surgery she fell into an Acoma due to the trauma that occurred to her body while she was pregnant we’re going to keep her here of course and I want everyone to go home and try to get some sleep and come first thing in the morning for a meeting regarding how are we gonna go about everything.” He stated. “How far along was she?” I asked eagerly “Almost 3 months so by now she was aware of the pregnancy, do you have any idea what happened?” He asked me eyeing me and Khleo’s blood stained attire. I just shook my head unable to speak from the shock of the events that played out tonight.

“So can we see her?” I asked him with plead and sorrow in my eyes and voice. “Only immediate family at this point.” He stated reluctantly before shaking Khleo and Twan’s hands and walking off. I exhaled defeated and exhausted I couldn’t even see my best friend after such a tramatic things and on top of that she was in acoma, and lost her baby that I had no idea she was pregnant with it seemed as if my whole perspective on life changed at that moment. I noticed Twan looking at me oddly, without even thinking my mouth spoke before my brain could react. “And what the fuck is your problem? Do you have something to say to me?” I asked with a slight roll in my neck, his nose flared in anger. “Naw bitch you don’t want to know what I have to say to you.” He sneered at me. “Yo, watch your mouth all this shit is unnecessary.” Khleo’s  jaw clenched as he spoke for me to Twan. Twan shook his head and began to crack his knuckles as he looked at us. “I wish you would, take your ass in there and visit your little cousin, come on Sheneka I don’t have time for this shit.” Khleo said keeping his eyes on Twan as we walked off down the hallway, I was happy that he stood up for me I never saw Khleo as the masculine type of guy he was laid back seeing him stand up to Twan who stood at a good height above us made me look at him in a completely different light.


“You’re going to stay at my place until Gabbie comes out of coma, I don’t want you there.” Khleo told me as he drove down the freeway. He looked at me and frowned he could tell that I was emotionally drained and stressed out. “I’m sure she had a good reason for not telling you about her pregnancy babe.” He said placing his large hand over my tense petite one. It’s like he is reading my mind. I thought to myself. “Who ever did this is going to die.” I whispered, meaning every word that came out of my mouth. I could feel Khleo’s exhale as he squeezed my hand tighter. 


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