Part 14: Paparazzi

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“Put em up mother fucker!” I yelled aiming the gun at Young Berg through the window of his Mercedes Benz as a frazzled Angie screamed and cried in fear; I was impressed by her acting skills as she played the oblivious damsel that just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  He raised his hands up and shook his head in disbelief, my breathing slowed down as I held the gun tightly. The cocaine had me feeling invincible and unstoppable and the trigger that rest behind my finger didn’t make it any better. Gabbie’s been in the hospital in acoma for two weeks now; I never knew how expensive it was to keep a person alive and comfortable inside of a hospital until now .

The bills were beginning to pile up and a good portion of the money I got from Wayne’s safe was gone, I had far too much pride to ask Khleo for anything although he pleaded with me to allow him to help.  “Give me the keys, and tell your little girlfriend to stop the fucking screaming before she gets hurt!” I yelled as I pulled the ski mask down further making sure it wouldn’t  ride up. I snatched the keys from the shaking hand of Berg and make my way to the trunk where I found a black duffle bag as planned I sling it over my back and toss him the keys. “I better not see this shit on Mediatakeout or TMZ be a G’ and charge this shit to the game.” I said before jumping back into my all black Audi and pulling off.

I sat out front of a local park and waited for Angie taking off my ski mask, I lit a blunt and awaited her arrival while I inhaled the smoke topping off my cocaine edge and listened to the music that the radio played. Ring ring ring I looked at the caller I.D of my iphone and rejected the call that I was recieveing from a over protective Khleo, I know that he is just looking out for me and worried for my well-being ever since the incident with Gabbie but sometimes I just needed my space, I knew I would be home as soon as I was finished.

The calm laid back voice of Lil Wayne caused my heart drop into the pit of my stomach, he was doing an interview on one of the most popular stations in Miami. “Yeah man, I had threw a little pool party two weeks ago and I guess some niggas robbed me we’re not sure if it was after or during that mother fucker but when I checked the other day the shit was gone.” Lil Wayne stated in his usual calm tone. “So you’re telling me it took you two weeks to notice you had money missing from your safe Wayne that’s when you know you’re making gwap though!” The radio personality said jokingly.

“Naw man I made that shit right back but please believe that shit is under investigation, I don’t take lightly to sneaky ass people.” I sat at the edge of my seat and listened hardly trying to read in between the lines to see if he had any idea on who it could have been.

“Like with the police?And so how much did they take Wayne?”

“Naw like with my goons they gonna get theirs believe that the celebrity didn’t change the thug in me, and that’s not important don’t ask me that shit .” Wayne spat as if the question was digging a little too deep into the situation.

 I turned the radio off and punched my steering wheel causing it to honk. “Fuck! Tyga told me this shit was fool proof I swear if that white bitch talks I’ll kill her!” I yelled to myself as Angie pulled beside me we both jumped out our cars at the same time.

“You hear the interview? What the fuck are we gonna do we can’t afford to have our names associated with that shit or we’re done Nene.” She spoke in a shaky voice and for the first time since I’ve known her I was in control of a situation, I paused to think pacing back and forth slowly.

“You’re going to act normal about everything and try to stay as close to Wayne as possible which means you and Michael need to stop the on again off again bullshit and act like a happy couple.” I spoke with confidence looking her in her eyes as she nodded her head agreeing with me.

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