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When I came to, all I realized was that there were chains gripped through my skin. I screamed in pain and fear, the flashing black and red giving me whiplash as I blinked.

It was loud. It was scary. It was Hell.

You see, in my line of work, you do stupid shit to get stupid ass people back. Stupid shit, as in, selling your soul to a demon to get your dumbass dad back from the dead, and most likely will be killed in a year or so in the worst way possible.

I never told my dad it was me who sold my soul, I lead him on that it was my Uncle Garth, and he finally figured it out when invisible, flesh-tearing beasts came knocking on our front door.

He sat, terrified, as I was ripped to shreds by the invisible monsters, and then I ended up here.


I blinked again, wincing as I looked down at my ripped body, — and ripped as in ripped to bloody shreds, — to see crimson red still oozing from the deep claw marks.

Suddenly, the darkness of my surroundings became an extremely bright light, and I pinched my eyes closed, the light burning them roughly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then, I opened my eyes, and I sat in complete darkness.

I felt around me with my hands, figuring out that I was in a rectangle box, noticing all the screaming had stopped, and I was alone. My breath hitched as I felt down at my body, no longer feeling the hot blood or ripped flesh with my fingers any longer. All I knew was that I was in a small, confined, spot, and I didn't like it.

My shoulder burned as I lifted it to feel the ceiling, feeling around to see what was near me. "Help!" I yelled, my voice hoarse and scratchy, and as I cleared my throat, I began to yell again, my voice still vibrating very uncomfortably in my throat.

Suddenly, I banged very hardly on the box, earning a bunch of dirt in my mouth and eyes. I yelped in surprise, quickly wiping the dirt from my eyes and spitting it from my mouth. I felt down the rectangle I was trapped in again, my fingernails stopping on a jagged ledge of the wood.

I pulled at it, and it broke easily, launching pounds of dirt on top of me.


"Dean, it had to be done," Castiel spoke to his worried friend, who paced back and forth very jumpily. "What if- What if she's actually bad? What if you brought her back just to make us have another demon apocalypse, Cas?" Dean asked frantically, and the Angel shook his head.

"She will do us no harm, in fact, she will help us save this earth." Castiel snapped back fiercely at Dean, who slightly backed up at the blue eyed being's outburst. Castiel recovered himself, fixing his coat and clearing his throat.

"She's just like you were, Dean. Beaten, broken, and scared." Castiel spoke as he began to walk towards the door. "She's already back now, so I'll be on my way to pick her up." Castiel said to his friends before turning away and poofing off to find the stranded girl that went by the name of Lana Linchard.


I sat in the dirt, trying to catch my breath as I panted and held at my chest. I looked over at the cross that was planted directly in front of where I crawled from the dirt, and I sadly stared at it.

He must have sold his for mine, too.

What a damn idiot.

I looked up from the wooden cross that was placed above my deathbed, my eyes widening at my surroundings.

All the trees lied on the ground, pulled from their roots or broken apart. From as far off as I could see, nothing stood, revealing the cloud covered sky above me.

"Holy shit," I mutter under my breath, slowly standing to my feet to get a better look at my surroundings. Suddenly, I hear a twig branch snap behind me, and I swirl around on my feet, seeing a man in a cream colored trench coat standing 7 feet away from me.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, and he took a small step towards me, in which I held my fist up at him for. He stopped abruptly in his tracks, awkwardly clearing his throat before going in to speak.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." He spoke, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. An awkward silence interrupted the conversation, and he stared down at the ground before nervously clearing his throat once more. "I need you to come with me, Lana." He finally spoke, causing me to look at him with wide eyes.

"Um, no thanks, because first of all, I don't even know you, and second, how the hell do you know my name?" I said, backing away from him progressively. He sighs. "All of Heaven knows your name." He says, causing me to shake my head at him, saying "You're insane," as I began to run away.

I take off running as fast as I could, jumping over the logs that lied on the ground, zig-zagging this way and that, afraid that he was right on my heels, but when I turned back to look behind me, he wasn't there. I sighed exasperatedly, throwing my hands on my knees to try and catch my breath.

"You can't run from me, Lana. Please, just come with me," The man pleaded, causing me to jump up in fear at his tall frame standing directly ahead of me. "Wha-" "This is a matter of saving the world or destroying it, and to save it, we need you." He replied, taking small hesitant steps toward me.

"What can I possibly do to help you?" I spat out. "You're stalking me. I wish I could call the cops right now on your ass, but sadly, my phone got cremated along with my dead corpse." I said, emphasizing the last three words of the sentence, heaving a short breath afterwards.

"So, now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my dad-" "Your father is dead, Lana." He said, his eyes softening at the shock etched onto my face. I stared at the ground, my fists balling up at my sides. "I'm sorry-" "How did he die? Because if he sold his soul, I swear I will-" "An apocalypse broke out in the town that he was located in at the time and he was murdered. I'm sorry." He said.

I sighed, reaching my hand up to my face and dragging it down in an exasperated way, also wiping the wet tears from my face in doing so.

"And that is why I need you to come with me," He spoke, making me look up at him. "Why is that?" I spat.

"Because we need you to help us save the world."

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