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Lana's fingers grazed over the belongings in the room, her eyes flashing to a photograph of the short man, who she had learned to call Bobby, and a glowing young woman dressed in a beautiful white dress. Bobby, however, wore plaid and jeans, like he always did. Lana gave a chuckle towards that, but sighed afterwards.

That must have been his wife.

In the picture, he radiated so much happiness, and his smile looked like her father's did before her mother left them. The clue that gave it away was the twinkle in Bobby's eye in the photograph, and the way that it didn't radiate anymore in actuality.

With a sigh, Lana looked away from the photo just as Sam walked into the room. They met eye contact and Lana gave him a sorry smile. "Sorry for calling you Jolly Green Giant earlier, my instincts kicked in." She apologized, and Sam cracked a slight smile. "It's no problem," He said, and remembered what he had come into her presence for.

"Are you hungry? Dean went to grab a burger at the diner downtown, I can call him and ask him to get you one." Sam offered, and Lana's eyes seemed to bulge. A burger sounded like heaven right then, and she furiously nodded yes. "Jesus Christ on a bike, yes. I'm starving, I've been in Hell for 4 months, they don't feed you very much there." At that, Sam let out a chuckle and nodded.

"Alright, I'll call him and tell him. He should be back soon if some biker chick doesn't hold him up first." Sam joked, causing Lana to laugh. He began to walk from the room, pulling out his phone in doing so and dialing Dean's personal cell number.

The phone rang a long while before Dean finally answered, and when he did Sam could tell his mouth was full of bread, meat, cheese, and whatever the hell he had on his burger.

"Wha?" Dean asked, the 't' not visible due to the proximity of his mouth. "Lana's hungry, get her a burger." It took a few seconds for Dean to swallow the food in his mouth before he spoke, keeping the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he gripped the steering wheel with one hand and held his burger securely with his other.

"Dude, you should have called me like, 4 minutes ago, I'm almost there now. Too late, sorry hot chick." He said, keeping his eyes on the road as he took another bite.

Sam rolled his eyes, as the monotonous and sarcastic side of him nipped at his politeness. "Dean," Sam warned, and Dean sucked in a breath of air, rolling his eyes before saying, "Fine, but you owe me $20.00." "What, why? The burger is literally, like 4 bucks, Dean." "Because today was supposed to be my Busty Asian Beauty day and you're taking away my time for it." With that, Dean hit the end button on his phone and quickly turned his 67' Impala around, heading back towards the diner in which he had came.

Sam sighed heavily as he sat his phone on the table, massaging the bridge of his nose. Behind him, Lana leaned against the door frame with a smile. "Your brother's a dick." She said with amusement, and Sam swung around, nodding his head yes in agreement. "Tell me about it," Sam muttered, causing Lana to chuckle aloud. She liked Sam, he reminded her of a friend she had when she was 11. His name was Jacob, and he was just as politely sarcastic as Samuel Winchester was.

However, Jacob's life soon came to an end when his father, who was driven absolutely bonkers by the death of his wife Lucille, attacked him with an axe that was used to cut the logs of wood outside. Lana shuddered at all the blood at the crime scene, and her heart broke all over again, remembering the deep cuts and slashes in his young flesh, and the bullet hole in his father's head that killed him as well.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Lana smiled falsely and waltzed over to the picture frame that hung over the sink. "Bobby's wife..." She trailed, her finger perching up to point to, yet again, another photograph of the same young, happy-looking, beautiful blonde that was in the same photo she saw earlier. Sam's head snapped up, looking at Lana with almost wide eyes. "What happened to her?" She asked quietly, her eyes brimming with tears.

Sam cleared his throat, taking a stand from his seat, grabbing his things from the table. "Dean will be here soon with your food," He awkwardly inputted, leaving Lana without another word. Something really bad must have happened to her, she thought.

She felt nothing but pity for Bobby, having lost a very important woman in her life as well. She knew how it felt, losing the love of someone who you knew would always be there, and then was just gone one day. It hurt like hell, and it's not a feeling that will just fade away one day. It stays there, in the back of your dark mind, forever.

With a sigh, Lana took a seat in the same chair that Sam was once sitting in only seconds earlier, her elbows finding their way onto the table, cradling her head in both hands. She had one hell of a headache, but she was sure that it mostly branched from the fact that she was starving. That, or the millions of screeching yells of Hell still residing in the back of her head.

Some time later, in walked Dean, his face seemingly pissed off as he nearly tossed the plastic enclosed plate on the table at Lana, then went off down the hall somewhere. Lana heard the slam of a door, and looked at Sam with raised eyebrows, but he only seemed amused. "He's pissed because he's missing his beautiful Asian porn." He elaborated, and Lana snorted, her hands reaching for the plate hungrily after a few moments.

"That sounds fun," She said sarcastically, taking a bite of her burger. She nearly almost fainted from the taste of the food, her tastebuds firing up to life. "Jesus Christ, this is probably the best burger I've ever eaten." She muttered under her breath.

Sam laughed aloud this time. "Oh, you should see him when we're on the road, at a motel somewhere. Especially at night, he always lets the dogs out and I have to leave the room to try and not vomit everywhere."

At that, she throws her head back with laughter. "Samuel Winchester, you might have just become my best friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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