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Danny panted as he ran to save his family and friends........oh and Mr. Lancer. His transformation wasn't working as of the moment.

He looked at his family desperately mentally telling them to hold on. His family looked on at him proudly, mentally wishing him good luck as they accepted their fate to die.



A resounding BOOM was heard as the Nasty Burger 's boiler exploded, killing The Fentons, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and Mr. Lancer.

The blast sent Danny back onto his back into a tree,debris(hey that rhymed) flying everywhere. Somehow he managed to hold on to the thermos. As he regained his senses, he saw a crowd around the use to be Nasty Burger murmuring.

"They're dead! All of them!"

"He did this! That Phantom kid!"

"I always knew he was no good."

Those words were like daggers to Danny's heart as he felt more at fault for the deaths of his family and these statements just made him feel worse. Tears streaming down his face, he got up and ran into the abyss of the forest. He was too busy hugging the thermos to his chest and jumping over logs and bushes which he could surprisingly see through the years nearly blinding his eyes.

Unknown to him as he was wiping his eyes, a log appeared in his way and tripped him. The thermos flew out of his hands and landed on the button releasing Dan into an open natural portal. Danny after he got up, looked back and started running again into the portal.

Behind the two halfas, the portal closed leaving no record of their existence besides a Fenton thermos and a belief that Daniel Fenton was missing or dead.

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