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Danny fluttered his eyes trying to wake. He was surrounded by a warm embrace, that tightened when he moved as if trying to keep him there forever. He wouldn't have minded, if it wasn't the muscular arms of his future self. When he realized tis, he just sat there and enjoyed the oddly comforting warmth of his embrace.

Dan groaned and woke up, his face scrunched up in disgust at having to wake up(Amen bro). He looked down at me. His eyes then softened and he smiled. Not a malicious one though, a truly sincere caring one, well as caring as he can look with pointed ears and fangs. He sighed, "Youre gonna be the death of me you know that.... I guess that makes me a narcissis then, since I guess I care for you....man I really hate the whole emotions thing after becoming half ghost...again."



He's a halfa...again.
When was this? What year was this? (Whoever guesses right will get a new follower)

He....cares for me.

He cares for me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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