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Dan looked over to Danny as the boy slept. The boy looked so peaceful it half filled him with contentment and peace and half disgust. He sighed thinking of his how he would train Danny. He'd realized that one power would soon make itself known again.
That power had been what caused him to look the way he did when he was younger. He wondered what she'd look like now. Him and their mom.

He only made it seem as if he killed his human half, in reality, he knocked him unconscious and put him in his NS space pocket. He put food in there with him every once and a while. When he did it was a lot so he couldn't go hungry. He also put a house with working power as well. Advantage of having a space pocket, nothing gets heavy in there.

He managed to accidentally fuse with his human half. When he took him out of the pocket. His powers were going alittle wonky at the time so the resurge of ectoplasm re-fused them.

He fell unconscious for about 5 sec. When he woke up, he was in his human form. Spiky black hair in a ponytail, ice blue eyes, goatee, and tan skin. His ears were still alittle pointed but otherwise he looked human, he also had all his muscles in his human form and a business suit. So he looked like a black haired Vlad+ Danny with a beard. That kind of pissed him off. He wanted nothing to do with the frootloop, it's bad enough he's a third part of him, but he looks like him too.

Fusing with Fenton again, turns out had improved his powers and gave him a wider range of them. However, it also gave him back his emotions, the emotions he was happy without.

Fusing with him also got Dan stuck at the age of 25 for no reason. Granted he could look any age he wants(perks of his powers), he's still 25.


Dan looked around for the source of the sound. The sound repeated a few more times. He soon realized that it was from Danny. The whimpers soon got annoying, so he got up from his seat and walked over to Danny. Once he got there, he slowly bent down next to him and picked him up bridal style. He tucked him to his chest and started to rock him as if he were a newborn baby.
He felt ridiculous but this felt kinda nice. If anyone found out about this he'd make sure they'd beg for death. He rocked Danny in his arms until he stopped fussing, at one point he just sat down and held him. When Danny settled, he actually snuggled up into to his chest and sighed. He looked at the boy in surprise for a moment then just hugged him tighter and closed his eyes.

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