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    The last thing I could remember was eating expired blueberries as I watched the same sunset for the fifty-three thousandth time

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    The last thing I could remember was eating expired blueberries as I watched the same sunset for the fifty-three thousandth time. I woke up in a different setting. I was sprawled across the middle of a road. I couldn't believe it; I was finally free. I expected to see tons of people on the roads, but to my dismay, it was deserted.

    I had no clue where I was, or when I was. I needed a form of human life to confirm that I was indeed in 2014. I ran across the street, pulling my torn dress to my calves so I wouldn't trip on them.

    "Who do we have here? Cinderella running away from the ball perhaps?" A voice behind me said. I turned around to see a dark haired man sitting on the porch of a house munching on a bag of half-eaten pork rinds.

    "Who might you be?" I asked walking towards him.

    "The million dollar questions are who are you and what are you doing here?"

    "I have finally been freed, now do you mind telling me what year I am in?"

    "Let me think about it," he paused rubbing his chin. "No, and if you're a runaway fugitive, welcome to the party."

    "I am confused."

    "And I'm tired of playing this game." He stood from the swinging bench he was sitting on and neared me. "Unless you want this fork in your eye, I'd answer my question. Who sent you here?"

    "You may think I am out of my mind, but a coven of witches finally freed me. I have been stuck in an 1867 prison world, and this is the day they were supposed to let me out. Please tell me I'm in the year 2014."

    He laughed, "oh this might be slightly depressing for you. They let you out alright, but you are in 1994."

    "This can not be, I most certainly counted correctly. I was sentenced to one hundred and forty-seven years. It must be 2014."

    "Kudos to you on the whole math solution, but I don't think you get it. Welcome to my 1994 prison world, the name's Malachai Parker. But let's skip that awkward stage where you call me that hideous name, call me Kai."

    "You must be kidding, Emily Bennett insured me that her bloodline would let me out in one hundred and forty-seven years. Why am I still here? I cannot do this any longer." I replied, pacing around the lawn. I am going to pull every strand of hair out of my scalp if I do not return back to the real world.

    "Not everyone gets what they wish for Cindy."

    "I am not Cindy or Cinderella. My name is Isadora. It is nice to meet you, Kai." I extended my hand out, but he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

    "Why are you in this 1994 prison world?" I asked, following him.

    "Oh, how rude of me, welcome to my personal hell. Do you want coffee?" He asked, ignoring my question.

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