Chapter Seven

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Saturday came fast and Harry became more nervous by the day. He paced around in his room and fidgeted with his hands. He had received a text from Louis, telling him what to bring. 






Harry didn't know what Louis was planning and to be honest he was kind of scared. He had never been to a sleepover. But he'd seen them in the movies. They looked fun so Harry was excited to hang out with his new friends. But he was still scared, though. He didn't know Louis for a long time but in that short time that they became 'friends,' or whatever they were, he had learned that Louis was kind of crazy.

Harry checked his things for the last time and walked out of his dorm. Louis, Liam and Eleanor were already waiting for him at the train station. Only Niall hadn't arrived yet.


Niall searched frantically for his bag. He was running late and he couldn't find his bag. Louis also sent Niall a text to tell him the stuff he had to bring.





Niall just packed the things without questioning it. Well, he would pack it if he could find his bag, which was still nowhere to be found.


"Under your bed!" she yelled back.

Damn, of course it was under his bed. It was always under his bed. Stupid he didn't look there first. He mentally slapped himself and grabbed his bag. He threw all the stuff in it and zipped it closed. He glanced at his watch and cursed. They had to be on the train in 20 minutes, he had to hurry.

So he ran through the house, said a quick goodbye to his parents and brother and ran outside.

Panting, he arrived at the train station where he saw his new friends already waiting for him. He ran towards them and collapsed on his knees. 

"Niall, you're late," Liam said matter-of-factly.

"Well, no shit, Sherlock," Niall rolled his eyes. "But sorry, I couldn't find my bag."

"That's okay; we still have enough time to get on the train. Let's go," Eleanor said as she walked on the direction of the train to Doncaster.

Louis immediately followed her and grabbed Liam's sleeve to pull him with him, leaving Niall and Harry alone.

"Uhh, yeah, maybe you, eh, should stand up so we can go..." Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea," Niall chuckled and held out his hands. 

Harry stared at them quizzically. 

"Help me up?" Niall hinted.

"Oh, right. Of course," Harry laughed nervously and grabbed Niall's hands. Niall felt electricity run through his veins but forced himself to stay calm. Harry held on to Niall's hands tightly, never wanting to let go of them. 

But when Niall stood steady on two feet, he had to let go. Harry didn't though. He stared in those ocean blue eyes and forgot everything. It wasn’t until Niall awkwardly coughed that he quickly let go of Niall's hands. 

"Eh, yeah, we have to go now," Harry stammered. He grabbed his bag and ran after the others. An embarrassing blush creeping on his face.

Niall stood there frozen. He lowered his head as his cheeks colored red. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and with a grin plastered on his face, he walked to the train.


"Wooow," Liam dropped his bag and looked around in awe. Louis' house was huge. They were standing in a long hallway with a high ceiling. There were paintings on the walls and there was a little couch next to the coat rack. It all looked very expensive. They all dumped their jackets and bags and walked around to look at all the expensive stuff. And this was just the hallway; imagine the rest of the house.

"Louis! You didn't tell me you're rich!" Eleanor screeched. 

Louis just smirked and walked into the house. "Do you guys want a tour?"

Everyone answered some kind of agreement and Louis waved for them to follow him. Niall noticed Harry hadn't said a word since they had arrived. Niall also noticed Harry avoided eye contact and ignored him completely. But Harry was just scared. He felt something on the train station when he helped Niall up and as much as Harry didn't want to, he still felt it. The spark, that little spark. It wasn't much but he had felt it. And it was freaking him out.

''Guys? Are you coming?'' Niall heard Louis voice yel. 

''Yeah, let's go,'' Niall said as he joined the three others. Harry seemed to wake up from his daydream and followed them too.


''Alright, and here we have the garden. And that's where we'll be sleeping tonight,'' Louis said as he finished his tour through the house, or mansion. 

''What? Are we going to camp in the garden?'' Eleanor asked excitedly.

''Yup! Why else would I ask you to bring a tent?'' Louis rolled his eyes. ''I set mine up already,'' he said as he pointed to a little tent. ''You can set up yours now.''

Niall struggled with his tent. He didn't understand the way his sticks should be bent and while the others were all busy, Louis helping Liam and Eleanor with her own tent, the only person left was Harry. Whose tent was already done.

''Err, could you maybe, uhh, help me?'' Niall asked carefully.

Harry's head shot up. ''Yeah, sure,'' He smiled, his dimples showing and Niall had trouble with breathing properly. He cursed under his breath and focused on the tent again. 

After Harry shuffled through Niall's stuff he suddenly started to laugh. His hands flew to his stomach and his eyes crinkled. And without Niall noticing, a smile spread on his own face.

''What? Why are you laughing?'' Niall asked, still smiling.

''Because your tent stick is broken, that's probably why you couldn't set it up,'' Harry explained. He took a deep breath to stop himself from laughing again and walked over to Louis.

''Niall's tent is broken,'' Harry said to Louis. ''Do you maybe have a spare one?''

''No, I don't actually...'' Then Louis turned to Niall. ''I think you have to share a tent with someone.'' A devilish smirk appeared on Louis' face. ''Oh no, I think you have to sleep with Harry in a tent. My tent is too small for two people, sorryyyy,'' Louis said, not feeling sorry at all.

Niall's glared at Louis and turned to Harry. ''Uhh, is that okay?'' he asked, looking at the ground.

''Of course that's okay, right Harry?'' Louis interrupted and patted Harry's shoulder.

''Yeah, erhm sure,'' Harry smiled and looked at the ground to hide his grin. Louis pretended to gag and walked away. ''Just kiss already,'' Niall heard him mutter under his breath. Niall's eyes widened and a blush creeped on his face. He hoped Harry didn't hear what Louis had said but judging by the redness of Harry's cheeks, he assumed he did. 

A/N: Hi guys! Chapter seven already! Narry love is on its way! :D Let me know what you think, comments encourage me to write more! xx


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