Chapter Twenty

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Harry's eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was fluffy blond hair. Niall was snoring softly and Harry had to stop himself from giggling because it was just too cute. Harry still had his arms wrapped around Niall's waist from behind and Niall was still gripping onto Harry's hand. 

Harry checked the time on his phone that lay on his nightstand. It was only 6 AM but Harry was wide awake. He contemplated whether to wake Niall up or let him sleep some more. He settled for letting him sleep some more so Harry stepped out of bed and pulled on some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.

He kissed Niall's cheek softly and walked out of his room. He walked down the stairs and into the garden. It was so quiet outside, but Harry didn't mind. He liked the quietness sometimes. It helped him clear his head.

He sat down on the old swing set in his garden and pushed himself backwards. He pulled his legs off the ground and enjoyed the wind blowing softly in his face as he swung forwards. It was still a bit chilly outside since it was only 6 in the morning. But Harry didn't mind the cold either. It gave him some sort of comfort. 

Harry closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip into his own thoughts. He thought about university and Liam, Louis and Eleanor and how lucky he was to finally have friends but mostly, he thought about Niall. He felt so blessed with such an amazing boyfriend. He never would've thought someone could actually fall in love with him. He had always been just the loser and the nerd. But now everything had changed and Harry liked it so much better.

''Hi,'' Harry snapped his eyes open, only to find his boyfriend there in an oversized t-shirt and his boxers.


''What're you doing here?'' Niall suppressed a yawn.

''I was just thinking,'' Harry stopped swinging and patted his legs, motioning for Niall to sit on his lap.

Niall had other plans though. He slipped both of his legs on either side of Harry's waist and sat with his bum on Harry's thighs, facing Harry. Niall wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and tightened his legs around Harry's waist to pull him in for a hug. Harry buried his face in Niall's neck and breathed in Niall's scent.

''What were you thinking about,'' Niall asked softly, trying not to destroy the peaceful silence.

''About high school...'' Harry hugged Niall's waist. ''And you.''

Harry snuggled his now burning face further in Niall's neck while Niall softly giggled. 

''Why were you thinking about high school?'' Niall asked as he pulled back slightly to look Harry in his eyes.

''I just thought about how terrible my life actually was back then, compared to how it is now. Because I used to be always alone and a bit of a loser and nobody really liked me. I didn't have friends and I got bullied a lot. But now...'' Harry smiled but his eyes were still sad. ''Now you are here and Eleanor and Louis and Liam and I just feel so much happier,'' Harry's eyes filled with tears. He tried to fight them from falling because he felt like an idiot, crying over absolutely nothing. He let out a frustrated sigh when his tears still fell.

''Don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay to cry once in a while,'' Niall said as he wiped Harry's wet cheeks. 

''But I feel so stupid,'' Harry laid his head on Niall's chest since Niall was now a bit taller because he was sitting on Harry's lap. ''I don't even know why I'm crying.''

''I think you're just not over it yet, Harry. It takes time. They hurt you and I wish I could fix it but I can't,'' Niall lifted Harry's head and cupped his cheeks. ''You'll be alright. It'll be alright, okay?''

''How do you know?'' Harry asked as he kept his gaze down. 

''Because everything will be alright in the end. It will always be okay. Just believe me. I'm here to help you, yeah?'' Harry's eyes finally met Niall's and Harry saw the sincerely in Niall's eyes.

''I believe you. Just... Don't leave, okay?'' 

Niall softly pecked Harry's lips. ''I won't, as long as you don't leave me.''

That made Harry smile again. ''I would never.''

Harry let out a long sigh and Niall wiped away the last tears. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend's waist and hugged him close to his body, while he pressed his cold nose in Niall's neck. Niall hugged him back with his arms around Harry's neck and they sat like that for a while. Their eyes were closed and they desperately tried to stay warm so they kept each other close.

''Is everything okay? Why are you sitting outside! Come here, it's too cold!'' Harry heard his dad yell.

Harry raised his head to look over Niall's shoulder. He saw his dad in the doorway. He was already dressed and it looked like he just had a shower because his hair was still a bit damp.

Niall climbed off of Harry's lap and helped Harry stand up too. They both shivered and quickly walked inside. Harry's dad had already made a warm cup of tea for them.

''Thanks, dad,'' Harry said sleepily. He felt worn out from all the crying and the fact that he was up at six in the morning. 

''Is everything alright, Harry? It looks like you have been crying,'' his dad examined Harry's face.

''No, I'm okay now. Niall made everything okay again,'' Harry said shyly and Niall blushed.

Harry's dad smiled. ''Good.''

Harry and Niall went to the living room with their steaming cup of tea and sat on the couch, opposite from each other with their legs entwined in the middle. They sipped their tea and talked a little but when Harry's eyes started to drop, Niall suggested going back to bed. Harry agreed and clung to Niall's hand as he led them both back to Harry's room.

It was only 8 AM so there was enough time for a nap. Harry slipped under the warm duvet and pulled Niall with him. Niall lay down on his back. Harry lay on his side and tucked his face in Niall's neck. Niall wrapped both arms around Harry's neck and held him close. He felt Harry kiss his neck and a shiver went down his spine. 

''You're amazing, Niall. Thanks for existing,'' Harry muttered.

Niall grinned. ''Thank you for existing too, Hazzy.''

''That's such a lame nickname, Nially,'' Harry laughed.

''You're telling me that Hazzy is a lame nickname while you're calling me Nially,'' Niall protested.

Harry giggled and pressed his body closer to Niall's. ''Nah, Nially is fabulous.''

''Whatever,'' Niall huffed. ''I'm your boyfriend so I get to call you whatever I want.''

''Of course, Nially-poopoo,'' Harry teased.

''Stop that!'' Niall shoved Harry away playfully.

Harry yelped and threw himself at Niall, seeking for the warmth of his boyfriend. He tucked is face in Niall's neck again and pressed his body impossibly close. Niall responded by throwing his arms around Harry's neck and pecking his cheek.

''Go to sleep, you idiot,'' Niall said.

''Sweet dreams, Nially,'' Harry whispered.

''Sweet dreams, Hazzy.''


It was 12 AM the next time they woke up. Niall felt his stomach grumble so he softly shook Harry to wake him up. Harry opened his eyes lazily and looked up at Niall quizzically. Then he heard the grumble of Niall's stomach and he chuckled. Niall gave him a grin and they both stepped out of bed. They ate breakfast and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

''Can we shower together?'' Niall asked sweetly.

Harry laughed. ''I don't think my mother will appreciate that. She barely lets us alone in our room.''

''But... I can't shower without you,'' Niall pouted.

''I think you'll be fine,'' Harry pushed Niall in the direction of the bathroom door. 

Niall swiftly looked left and right and saw that nobody was there. He grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled Harry in the bathroom too. He was about to close the door when suddenly Harry's mother was standing in front of them.

''Boys? What are you doing?'' she asked.

''We, eh, are going to take a shower?'' Harry said unsure.

''Together?'' Harry's mom raiser her eyebrow.

Harry turned his head to look at Niall. ''Ehh, yeah...''

''I don't think so,'' Anne shook her head.

''But mom,'' Harry whined.

Anne shook her head again and stepped aside to let Harry or Niall out of the bathroom. Harry grinned devilishly and quickly slammed the door closed and locked it. 

''Harry!'' Anne knocked on the door. 

''Mom, I'm an adult. You can't stop me,'' Harry turned to Niall and giggled.

They waited for Harry's mother to leave and eventually she sighed and walked away. They both turned to each other and high fived. 

''I didn't know you're such a badass,'' Niall teased.

''I guess you don't know me then,'' Harry smirked before stepping forward to cup Niall's cheeks. He attached his lips to Niall's and kissed him forcefully. When Harry pulled away he saw Niall blinking with his eyes. 

''Wow, that was hot,'' Niall stated.

Harry just laughed in return and began to undress. They showered together and went outside to walk around in Holmes Chapel. Harry showed Niall around and told stories about his childhood. He only told the good memories though. He never talked about high school. 

When it was getting dark outside, Harry and Niall said goodbye to Harry's parents and sister and went back to London. Niall got out of the train one halt earlier since it was closer to his home. Harry went to back his dorm and made some last homework. After that, he went to bed and closed his eyes with a satisfied sigh. His life couldn't get better, he thought. 

A/N: Ugh, school -.-   Anyway, I hope you liked this chapteeeeer :)

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