Chapter Eleven

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 ''Eleanor, this is not one of your girly movies, this is real life!'' Harry said frustrated.

''Hush, I know what I'm doing,'' Eleanor opened Harry's closet and examined his clothes.

''And before you ask, no, I'm not going shopping! This is just a date, we aren't in high school anymore,'' Harry threw himself on his bed and buried his face in his pillow. 

Eleanor sighed. ''Here, wear this,'' she threw him a white button up and some dark fitting jeans. ''So, tell me, what's the plan?''

Harry raised his head and sat on his bed with crossed legs. ''I'm taking him to a restaurant a few minutes from here. I discovered it when we were walking to the record store and I think it looks really cute,'' Harry told excitedly.

''He's gonna love it,'' Eleanor smiled.

''Well, I don't know, I've never been on a date before so... What if I mess up?''

''You won't mess up! And even if you did mess up, he wouldn't care because he has the biggest crush on you,'' Eleanor sat next to Harry on the edge of his bed. 

''I don't want to scare him away...'' Harry looked at his lap and nervously played with his colored bracelets.

Eleanor grabbed his shoulders and made him look at her. ''Listen to me, you're not going to mess up, you are going to have an amazing time, and just enjoy it, okay?''

Harry gave her a weak smile, not fully convinced. ''Okay.''

''But it's almost seven, you should get changed. You pick him up at half past seven, right?''

''Oh fuck, I kind of have to hurry,'' Harry frantically started to pull his shirt over his head and tried to unbutton his jeans at the same time.

''Harry calm down! You have enough time, it's only 15 minutes to his house with the metro,'' Eleanor tried to reassure him.

''But I don't want to be late! This date has to be perfect,'' Harry stood now with one leg in his clean jeans as he buttoned up his shirt.

Harry ran to the bathroom and checked himself out in the mirror. He messed a bit with his hair and sprayed some cologne on. 

''Okay, I'm ready to go,'' he said to Eleanor as he threw on his white Converse. ''How do I look?'' Harry smoothed his shirt again and looked at Eleanor with an insecure expression.

Eleanor took Harry's hands. ''You look perfect, this date will be perfect, don't stress too much okay? Just let it happen.''

Harry took a deep breath. ''Okay, thanks for your help, you're the best.''

''I know,'' Eleanor smirked. ''Now go, you're late!''

Harry cursed and ran out of his dorm room. He hurried to the metro station and impatiently waited for the metro. He wished he had a car so that he could pick Niall up like in the movies. But a driver’s license is expensive and cars were even more expensive, so no. That was not an option. The metro finally arrived and he jumped in. The ride was short and he kept glancing at his watch. He still had 10 minutes to get there but Harry had to hurry. He arrived at Niall's house 5 minutes too late and he mentally slapped himself for not leaving his dorm earlier. This was not a good first impression.

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