Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day arrived and Niall felt nervous, really nervous. He hadn't told Harry about Zayn coming to the shop the previous day. He knew that it would probably be better if he had told Harry. But he just couldn't. He knew it would make Harry over-protective or angry or disappointed or sad. 

''Liam? I'm leaving for lunch, okay? I'm going to meet Harry at Starbucks,'' Niall lied easily. He knew Harry was too busy with homework to visit him today so he didn't have to worry about Harry finding out. 

''Oh okay! See ya later!'' Liam waved goodbye.

Niall quickly shrugged on his jacket and he hurried outside. He was about to see Zayn in a few minutes and it totally did not feel right. He didn't want Zayn, he didn't even know why he was doing this. He only wanted Harry. But he couldn't back out now. He was going to show Zayn that he ruled his own life and that he wasn't afraid anymore, even though he was terrified without Harry by his side.

He reached Starbucks after a few minutes and saw that Zayn hadn't arrived yet. He ordered a latte macchiato and sat down at an empty table with his drink. Niall glanced at his watch and saw that he was ten minutes to early. He sighed and waited impatiently for Zayn to arrive. He wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 

Zayn entered Starbucks at exactly 1 o'clock. He immediately spotted Niall and walked up to him after he had bought his drink.

''Hey Ni,'' he said softly.

''Hi Zayn,'' Niall replied coldly. 

Zayn noticed Niall's tone but kept smiling. He really wanted the blonde back. After Niall had left he felt miserable and so guilty, he just couldn't live with it. So he asked around in town and checked Niall's Facebook page to find out where he was living and where he worked. It took a while but it was all worth it. He knew Niall had something going on with a boy with curly hair. He wanted Niall to be happy but he was selfish too, he wanted Niall to be happy with him. Not with that other boy, whose name he didn't know.

''I brought you something,'' Zayn said, still smiling lovingly.

Niall raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened when Zayn pulled out a single red rose. Niall blushed and ducked his head. This was the Zayn he fell in love with. The caring, sweet Zayn.

''Thank you,'' Niall said quietly, accepting the rose. 

''No problem,'' Zayn smiled warmly. 

''Ehm, so...'' Niall said, signalling for Zayn to say something. After all, Zayn set up this whole date thing to apologise.

''Oh, right,'' Zayn cleared his throat and reached over the table to grab Niall's hand. He was surprised when Niall didn't pull away. ''So I realised that what I've done to you is unacceptable and I don't understand how I was ever able to do that to you. When you left I realised that I loved you and that I just can't let you go because you're too important to me and I just need forgiveness.''

Niall frowned. He didn't expect Zayn to be so... honest. He kind of felt bad for him. Niall looked at Zayn's hand on top of his and contemplated whether Zayn was lying or telling his true feelings. He looked up and saw the broken look in Zayn's eyes.

''I-I can't just forgive you, Zayn. What you did to me was... horrible and I can't trust you anymore,'' Niall answered, playing with his empty cup of coffee.

''I know, but we can work on that, yeah?'' Zayn said hopefully as he squeezed Niall's hand.

Niall slowly nodded. ''I guess...'' 

Zayn stood up and sat on the seat next to Niall. ''Listen. I know I did something wrong but I want to make it up to you. I want to show you that you are the most amazing person I know. I just want you back, Ni.''

Niall only nodded and before he knew it Zayn was leaning in. 


''Liam? Where's Niall?'' Harry walked into the shop but his smile fell when he didn't saw Niall around.

''Oh... He said he would meet you at Starbucks,'' Liam said confused.

''Hm... That's weird. He never said something about meeting at Starbucks,'' Harry said frowning.

''I don't know, man,'' Liam shrugged.

''I'll go to Starbucks, then. Maybe he's still there. Thanks!'' Harry waved and walked out of the shop.

He thought about the previous day when he had seen Niall. He was sure Niall hadn't mentioned anything about going to Starbucks. Maybe he missed a text or something, Harry thought as he pulled out his phone. He checked his texts to Niall but he found nothing. He shrugged and walked a bit faster. 

When the familiar shop came in sight, he also saw a certain blonde haired boy talking to another boy. He had black raven hair but Harry didn't recognise him. Harry walked closer to the shop and watched Niall and the mystery boy talk. Harry froze when the other boy pulled out a red rose. 

Harry saw Niall blush and duck his head. It made something stir in Harry's stomach. He was jealous, angry and disappointed, but mostly hurt. And when the boy reached over to grab Niall’s hand, tears were forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe Niall would do something like this to him. When he saw the unknown boy move next to Niall and lean in, he ran away. Back to his dorm, away from everybody.

But if he had stayed only a few seconds longer, he would've seen that Niall shove the other boy roughly away. He would've seen Niall punch the boy in the face. He would've known that Niall did that all for him because Harry was way more important to Niall than Zayn could ever be and Niall couldn't believe he'd let Zayn almost kiss him without permission. His lips were only for Harry and Zayn knew that. But Harry was long gone. 

A/N: Sad, sad, saaaad. Damn you, Zayn! YOU'RE BREAKING UP MY PRECIOUS NARRY :((((

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