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I stare at the blank, black sky, a sky which just an hour ago I thought to be one of the most beautiful things remaining on this earth. The twisted thought of my mind had spun the idea of pomp in nature and had illustrated it as emotionless and sad as my inner consciousness. The bare trees which used to be so full and glorious remained empty and useless. Music ran through my headphones, but was rendered futile for once in my existence. I thought of all the times I had been happy and ready to take on anything. Remembering all our happy times, I wondered how I ended up like this. I was sitting on the train, late at night, staring out the window. I wanted to go out; I wanted to feel again. The world around me gave off the sad feeling I was all too familiar with. I wanted to be the old me, but I knew it was right next to impossible. I gazed up at the cloudy sky that laid right above my head. I knew that out there someone was looking up at this sky and was much worse off than I was, but at that moment in time, I didn't care. There are over 8 billion people on this earth, and one of them had to be there, waiting for me, hoping I was just what they needed. I knew the feeling. Finally, the train came to a halt. I grabbed my bag and walked through the metal doors. As I stepped onto the metallic platform, I felt a sharp, piercing blow to my stomach. I winced as my body collapsed. With all my willpower, I screamed as loud as I could, "HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" The man in the dark clothes ran off with my bag. I lied there, bleeding out, and wanting to die.

Suddenly I heard footsteps quicken as the person approached me. I tried will all my might, but it was no use. I couldn't scream or move. Thankfully, the person saw me. His face was vaguely familiar, and his voice even more so. When seeing my body, he gasped and lifted me off of the ground. My consciousness began to flicker like a dying lightbulb. Barely awake, I noticed his icy, blue eyes. Suddenly, I remembered who it was. It was Nate. He had saved me again. Though his eyes were usually clear and beautiful, as I stared into them, I saw an emotion, rather than a color. His eyes looked worried, scared, even. He ran as fast as he could while carrying me. I smiled at his effort of rescuing a damsel in distress. "Nate." I whispered. Startled, he almost tripped on a rock.
"Don't worry," he reassured me. "I won't drop you." I giggled as much as I could without pain. His grip was steady and strong, something I'm sure he had learned while playing lacrosse. Nate repeatedly spoke to himself, trying to figure out what he was doing. I heard phrases like "the hospital is a mile from here" or "she's losing too much blood". I groaned when I saw his eyebrows furrowed together. I didn't like having others worry about me.
Upon hearing my groan, Nate quickly asked me if I had felt any pain, but I said nah. I got as comfortable as possible in the state I was in. My arms around his neck and my legs in his arms, my body intensified the pain. I blocked it out and began to fall asleep.
"I will find who did this to you, Riley Matthews." Nate stated furiously. I closed my eyelids and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up, much later, in a hospital bed, surrounded by my family. My mother was talking to the doctor, asking if he knew anything. He politely replied that the stab hadn't done as deep as it could have, and that it hit no major organs, but I did lose a lot of blood. I turned my head to the other side and saw Nate sitting in the blue chair, eating Jello with a plastic spoon. My dad called to him and thanked him for saving me. After I decided I was efficiently informed, I tried to sit up, but failed miserably. I groaned in misery when Nate put his hand on my back. I knew it was to help me lie more easily, but I can handle myself.
When he heard me groan, he quickly withdrew and apologized unceasingly of the pain he caused. He looked tired, and sleep deprived. Large bags sank under his eyes, making him look older than usual. My dad told my mom to call Maya to come back to the room, and explained that they had gone to get food. Farkle and Maya came in, and explained all that happened. My mother, of course, burst into a cannon of questions. "Why were you on the train at 11 o'clock?" "who was the man who attached you?" "did he have a knife?" I dozed off an hour later when things had calmed down and it was just me and Nate in the room, watching Teen Wolf. I enjoyed spending time with him. It was calm and relaxing. These people were those who cared completely for me. I couldn't spend more time with them.

[A/N I really hope you guys enjoy this. Comment thoughts, ideas, and predictions. If I like your idea, it might be included in one of my aus.]

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