Race you

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It was a beautiful night. I had decided to take Megan out to eat since, you know, we're dating and all. Whoa. Dating. Haven't used that word since... since.. Riley. I knew the answer. I haven't had the courage to think about her when I was with Megan. I guess I was afraid she could read my mind? It'd been hell seeing Riley with that lacrosse player, if I had to be honest. He was always with her at school, following her and carrying her books, or something odd (and cute) like that. I don't like it. I don't like him. What even is lacrosse? Is that even a legitimate sport? They were even going on a date together. At a lacrosse party, from what I heard. Who is this kid? What makes him think he can date my Riley? I am so angry. Riley didn't even bother to tell me she was going out again. Don't I at least deserve that? After all I've done for her?

"Um. Lucas? You've been staring at the wall for about 10 minutes now." Megan said, a quirkiness in her voice.

"Oh," I grinned. "Sorry, love. Let's get going, shall we?"

We began our trip to the bowling alley. The one place Megan and I would always go to in Texas. She was always better than me, and I even knew it, but I never (nor will) admit it. So far it was a great night. Megan beat me in 3 straight games, and I bought her dinner. We drove to the beach and lied there on the sand, staring up at the innumerable stars. I felt at ease with her, but still incomplete. Somehow. I turned to my left, to where Megan was lying and breathed on her neck.

"Race you."

I quickly stood up and began jogging through the sand. I knew she was following me, not only because I knew her, but I could hear her running. I was obviously in the lead (being a star athlete and all). Then I felt arms wrapped around my neck and legs surrounding my abdomen. I chuckled. She was so adorable sometimes.


I smiled in the darkness. "You've got one thing right about that. Megan, can I ask you a question?"


"Have you gained weight? A LOTTT of weight?" I began to laugh.

She, however was not in the same place as I was. She immediately kicked me in the stomach with her leg and pulled my neck backwards. I fell backwards, but somehow, Megan managed to escape being my cushion. She climbed on top of me and kissed me on the lips.

"Nice try, Friar. Don't you get it? Girls will always have the upper hand in the relationship." she walked away, strutting in the moonlight, while I lied there wanting more than just a kiss.

• • •

We eventually went home and spent some quality time in our pajamas, watching old movies. Megan, being her cute self, fell asleep with her hand in the popcorn and head on my chest. I fell asleep shortly after that, but woke up to a painful start. I got a call at around midnight from Farkle and Maya. They said Riley got slashed at the train station. I immediately woke Megan up and we left for the hospital. I couldn't breathe for those 25 minutes. My chest ached, my brain pounded with facts and memories. Why wasn't I there for her? Is she dead? What's happening? Finally, we arrived there. I ran to the hospital room, and there I saw Riley, in a hospital bed, bruised and tired, with her head on... Nate Hale's shoulder. She had her hand in his and the other was holding the remote. They had fallen asleep together just as I had with Megan. I began to walk back to the lobby where Megan had decided to stay because she was "too ugly to be in the presence of people we know". She was confused when she saw me come back so quickly. She stood up to speak to me, but I just grabbed her face and kissed her. I felt her begin to pull away, but I didn't lessen my grip. I kissed her passionately and she smiled.

"What was that for?" She asked. I just smiled and kissed her again. We walked to the car and drove home.
While I drove, I began to think. What if this is how it's supposed to be? Riley is obviously happy with that lacrosse freak, and I'm happy with Megan. Maybe this is how it's all supposed to end up.

Hiiiiiii! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next part will probably be in Nate's perspective, so brace yourselves. Love always.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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