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Tete (pov)
I'm so ready to eat boy I'm so hungry.  I been sitting in this room for over four hours a bitch need fresh air. I could use some fried chicken and mashed potatoes and ketchup. "Omfg let me out I'm starving let a Bitch eatttt!!" I yelled at the door this nigga lock me in here I'm gonna kill him if I don't die for lack of food. I'm really getting mad I been in here for four hours bruh I could've eaten twice in that time.. why da bugging? I kept banging fo like three minutes still no answer. What do I girl have to do to get sum food bruh. I just kept yelling at the same time as banging. I heard sum keys so I stoped and backed up .when I seen his face I smiled he looked pissed ....GOOD!! . "Wtf do u want I'm trying to get my dick suck and u fucking dat up" I made a face like I just licked a lemon if his shrimp dick ass don't feed me I know sum " wtf tmi nigga I'm hungry so please ole kind sir feed me" I said in the most nicest way I could to make things easy on us ...but he didn't want the easy way. This nigga gon suck is teeth and look me up and down I already know sum slick shit about to come out he's mouth lord help me...not knock dis nigga out
" bitch u can wait I'm trying to get my nut in and yo flat screen foe headed ass getting in the way of that" wait ... bitch?...bitch?....bitch !?
And ik des nigga not trying to talk about my head ok bet I likes dat ... "listen u Barney looking I love u , u love me ass nigga my hands are bi which means I fight niggas and bitchs so let me know when u trying to catch dez hands and I'll be mo then glad to throw this Bitchs NOW GET ME SUM FUCKING FOOD BITCH BFOE I BEAT YO ASS" I was heated and hungry. As u can see I don't play about my food all my friends ask me how can I eat so much but don't gain any weight idkr.. I was wasnt always thick I was a stick back then but once I hit 14 my hips start to spread and my butt poked out and my breast filled out perfectly now I'm dez niggas wcw... dis nigga was testing me bro he was talking shit about how he dgaf about me being hungry and how he tryna get his shrimpy sucked blah blah blah...stfu
fuck dis shit I looked over by the door and noticed there was a chair seating there and I'm a crazy bitch so chair ➕ crazy bitch = fucking sum shit up... I quickly pick the chair up and swung it at dis nigga knocking his weak ass out big for nun ass nigga smh... I throw the chair down and step over him " fuck u bitch should've got me sum food and we wouldn't have to go through this" and I kept it pushing to find a kitchen to satisfy my hunger he'll be ok I mean the chair was made out of steel so he'll be out for awhile but oh well don't cum between me and food and dis won't happen lesson learned food hear mama cum....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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