Chapter 1

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"Come on Jade!" I yelled feeding another zombie a bullet.

The pack of zombies ran after us looking for a quick meal, but they wouldn't get us without a fight. I watched as she took her knife lodging it into the nearest zombie's skull all while continuing to run. As she finally reached the door, I slammed it leaving those blood thirsty beasts outside.

"Are you okay Jade?"

"Yeah I'm okay Jordan. Sometimes you act like we're not twins and you're my big brother or something."

"I'm just making sure you're alright," I responded hearing the sass in her voice.

"You guys are back!" Ben met us at the door of the abandoned building.

Benjamin Powers was a former doctor who our parents were close friends with before this all happened.  Although it has been a year since this has all started, we barely know anything about what occurred that year. The only thing we know is the information given to us from Ben. He's told us stories about how they worked at a nearby factory in town, which is where the zombies all started. Our parents were both dedicated scientists leaving us at home to deal with archery practice and other extra activities.

"Yeah, it was another close one," I replied, "As you can see, we found nothing again."

"Nothing?" Emily questioned realizing how horrible that sounded.

Jade and I replied in unison, "Nothing."

Reaching the center of the building, we met back up with the rest of the gang who stayed here in this one building.

Emily Sawyer who is married to Anthony Sawyer, a former police officer, lives here along with him and her child to come. So, yes, Emily is pregnant. Besides Emily and a girl named Kirsten the only other girls here are two sisters named Claudia and Megan Underwood.  About a month ago, we found them along with Claudia's son, Ryan, hiding from a hoard of zombies. Kirsten is the groups engineer; she has been working on our van upgrading it with the best equipment we can scavenge. Finally, Derrick, the newest person here, we found him last week holding up pretty well against a couple zombies with only a small pistol. 

I immediately saw Emily to the side hanging around her husband's walkie-talkie, which still doesn't work. I could hear the empty static coming from it halfway across the room. After waving to everyone in the room, I headed to my bedroom ready to relax in my bed. Approaching the door that lead to the hallway, I froze realizing that the usually silent walkie-talkie had over powered all the small chatter in the room.

"Anyone there? Hello, anyone there?"

"Yeah, yeah!" everyone's voice collided.

"Where are you guys?" the anonymous person replied.

"We are in Norhaven,"

"Okay," they replied bringing hope to everyone's heart, "There's a safehouse in Silverrose, which is not far from there. We supply free food, clothing, and a place to stay you should make your way here immediately."

"We'll have to think about it," my sister replied picking up the walkie-talkie.

"What's your exact address, so we can send one of our professionals to come and help guide you here?"

"We don't need your help," Jade stubbornly replied.

"Well our address is 1703 Elm Drive, and we will be here waiting," those were the last words I heard before the room again filled with the silent static.

"Well..." I said ready to here everyone voice their opinion.

"I'm not going!" Claudia's attitude had begun to take the better of her, "You can't even be sure there's even an actual safehouse."

"Well, I'm not going to sit here and wait till the zombies come eat us!" Benjamin responded.

"I'm with Benjamin," I replied.

"Well you guys don't have kids," Emily Sawyer added her two cents.

I decided to speak as everyone gradually included their selves in the argument, "Well would you want your kids growing up scared without food and important necessities."

"I still want my child to live!" said Anthony.

"Well we just will have to vote!" I said ensuring myself that I wasn't going to argue. "Who all wants to go?" I looked at the hands that rose in the room, slowly counting them I asked another question. "Who wants to stay?" Counting the number of hands that went up, I realized the tallies were equal.

Minus my sister, who seemed not to care about what happened, everyone had voted. I noticed how wrong I was as Kirsten found her way to the main room with grease all over her clothes. Obviously, everyone else figured she would be the one to determine whether we left or not as there heads all turned following Kirsten.

"What's going on here?" Kirsten said showing the awkwardness of the moment on her face.

"There has been word of a safehouse in Silverrose, and we were wondering would you rather stay here, or check out the safehouse?" Megan asked.

"Might as well go ahead and test out the new vans, so why not?"  

"That's final. We're going, so you might as well go and pack your bags to go. Don't forget important things like matches, ammo, guns, and extra clothes." Jade said really getting tired of hearing their arguing.


"So, is everybody ready?" Benjamin asked.

"Yeah," everyone said in unison.

"Umm, slight problem Benjamin." Kirsten said.

"What?" he said turning around to face her.

"We don't have any gasoline."


"We don't have any gasoline," she said louder this time.

My head turned as I heard Benjamin call on me and my sister, "Twins."

"What's up?" Jade responded.

"You know we got to get some gasoline, so gear up."

"You're going back out there with those zombies?" Emily asked astonished by our bravery.

"How else would we get gas? Besides, when you've been killing zombies long as Jade and I nothing scares you." I said with a slight smile on my face.

 "Finally, no more boredom!" Jade said ready to use up the energy that dwelt inside her.


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