Apologies, love (Niall)

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After our argument five days ago, I hadn’t heard a single word from Niall. We’d never argued that horribly before and thinking back on it, it honestly wasn’t worth the argument. Although, a part of me was still incredibly angry with him for all he’d said.

“How on earth is this fault my fault? You’re the one sleeping around with anything that breathes!” Niall bellowed in my face; scaring me half to death.

Disgust filled every inch of me, “What?! I never even slept with that guy! It was a short kiss that lasted barely five seconds! Are you trying to call me a whore and a liar? Wow, that’s low for you, Niall… So low.” How dare he insinuate I was a whore and a liar?

The argument had originally started because he brought up a time long ago, when I’d drunkenly kissed another guy while we were out on the town. He’d even admitted that he thought I was being completely irrational that night with my drinking. I couldn’t believe it. Yes, I shouldn’t have kissed that other boy. But after being fired from my job that day; I wasn’t really thinking straight in the first place. All I wanted to do was drown myself in alcoholic beverages, that way I didn’t have to consider how I was going to get by on no money. And I didn’t have to think about how I could find a job that would pay as good money as that job did.

“Did I call you whore there at all? No.” He spat back in my face, trying to act all high and mighty.

“That’s what you insinuated, ‘you’re the one sleeping with anything that breathes’…” I mimicked his earlier comment before continuing, “So that doesn’t sound like you’re calling me a whore at all does it?” God, I wanted to knock him out. After all I’d done for him over our three year relationship, and he treats me like this?

“You know, I thought you loved me until you kissed him.” He sounded completely dejected.

I groaned, “It was six months ago… six! I was off my fucking face do you think I really knew what the hell I was doing? I’d just been fired, I was pissed off and you didn’t even seem too care!” My blood was boiling, and my head was on the verge of exploding with fury. You know what he did when I told him I’d been fired? He shrugged. He fucking shrugged! There was no comfort or reassurances from him, besides a measly ‘it’ll be ok’. Oh yeah, guess what honey I’ve just been sacked, but you know that’s totally ok right? No. I hadn’t actually been fired, but been made redundant because they were cutting down on staff numbers. I’d worked there for two years, but apparently that wasn’t classed as long enough for me to stay on any longer.

“How could you even say I didn’t care? Of course I cared!” I couldn’t help the sneer that came out of my mouth.

“Oh so shrugging about it says you care right? Hmm, sure. You know what, just get the hell out. You’re truly a piece of shit, Niall.” The sourness of my words lingered in the air. Niall just stared at me with tears brimming in his eyes and his cheeks were burning red.

“At least I’m not a cheater, Mara.” With that final, ludicrous comment he stormed out of the kitchen and out of the front door. As soon as he’d left, I broke down feeling shittier than ever.

He hadn’t come back since then, to be truthful, I wasn’t even sure if he was still alive. Nobody had gotten in contact with me to tell me he was alright. That night when he left, I wanted so badly to run out after him and not let go. Instead, I stayed in the house feeling as lonely as ever. For hours, I glared at the TV screen trying to not think about the argument but his final words stung me harshly.

A cheater? A five second kiss could barely class as cheating considering the whole time I kissed that guy, I hated every second. That guy’s kiss was sloppy, and tasted of stale whisky which was completely and utterly vile. Nothing like Niall’s kisses, that consumed every inch of me. Niall kisses began slow, trailing from my neck to my lips leaving my flesh his lips had just left searing with heat. Then, once his lips reached mine, the kiss deepened into a passionate making out session. With his hands trailing up and down every inch of my skin, leaving hot flushes all over my body. The mere thought of our sexual contact set my heart alight. The boy drove me beyond insanity at times.

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