Why Cheez-itz are Banned

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 Reese held her delicious salty yellow-orange cracker and gave it a mournful look before chucking it at her friend across from her. Her friend glared, before taking a handful and throwing it back at Reese who ducked.

The cheez-itz ended up hitting three guys behind them. The guys wiped around with their own ammo and tried to hit her and her friend, but they missed, in doing so they hit some cheerleader type girls. That's when it turned ugly.

The students started throwing cheez-itz and soon other foods. Greasy cafeteria pizza, gross egg rolls, cartons of chocolate milk, and anything you could imagine. Everything was open to be thrown. Soon students were heading up and buying more food.

Then a certain lunatic (Between us it was Reese) hit the Principle Mrs Costello and one of the English teachers Mrs Hopkins, who were coming in to see what all the noise was about. They were pelted by a bag full of cheez-itz.

So you could guess what happened.

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