A Special Story

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"Hello Loyal readers, yes it's me Reese," Reese smiled gently. Elliott and Danny were on either side of her in plush chairs. They all wore serious expressions, they all had a point to make, and wanted to make sure everyone knew.

"It's Danny here, Today we want to talk about mental health. We want you to know that even if we are characters in a story," Danny let out a breath. "We suffer from mental health problems just like you do."

"We want to be honest, we want you to know the real us, who wants to go first?" Elliott asked, he was looking at the floor trying to sallow the lump in his throat.

"I will," Danny offered, before standing. "I suffer from a form of Obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's not to bad. As long as everything is neat in my spaces, I'm okay. I got diagnosed when I was twelve, I would only clean and clean until my parents forced me to the doctor. I sometimes have fits, but I take Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, it helps the anxiety and depression that can happen. Reese and Elliott always make sure I'm comfortable when I'm with them and I make it to my support group."

"Thanks Danny, Ell you wanna go or should I?" Reese asked tenderly. Elliott looked panicked, it wasn't often they brought it up, but it was important. "I'll call in Sargent."

A Golden Retriever came in and sat so Elliott could pet him. Reese had him counting his breaths, and Danny was just holding his hand till he calmed down.

"C-can one of you speak for me?" Elliott asked. Reese nodded before standing.

"As you guys read, Elliott almost had a panic attack. He has a panic disorder, you don't see it very often, but he does. His parents trained Sargent to be his emotional support dog. He takes a low does of Valium. He does function pretty good but if he starts feeling panicked he either pets Sargent or when he's at school the nurse lets him fiddle with fidget toys or squeeze a stress ball. They don't let Sargent at school."

"Your turn Reese," Danny smirked a bit. She knew her friend hated it, but it was a very common thing.

"Fine," Reese took a deep breath. "I have depression. Not major but I do. I don't take anything for it, but I do have plans for it. I also suffered from Anorexia when I was twelve. I'm better now but they still check up on me. Honestly anorexia was one of the scariest things ever experienced once I saw myself.
I want you to know that your not your disorder. You have people who do love and care for you. If you think you have one, get checked.
Don't think your not worthy of help, you deserve help!" Reese was smiling now.

Danny and Elliott nodded and they bowed when the author joined.

"Your all special to me. I'm here for you and love you guys even if we haven't really talked or met because you deserve love.
If you want someone to talk to I'm always here. I suffer too. I fight depression and ADHD. It's a weird combination but I do.
Again I'm here and if you need contact with someone who can help you, I have numbers and everything. Talk to me and we'll help each other out," Dugandel bowed before they all disappeared.

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