Chaper 1 "Bye"

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    Ever since birth my family has had gratitude of my looks, whell except my brother but that's to close to the point yet. I have my mom's eyes... But also my dad's eyes. One eye is blue like my father, one is green like my mother. I was beloved by my family for my beauty.
   My parents, me, and my brother... We had the brightest of future till my parents decided to place me in my 5 year old brothers arms. I instantly bursted out in tears. My brother screamed to get me away from him. Who knew your youngest day could decide your fate?

*Fourteen years later, January Tenth, 2016*

   I have been in and out of mental hospitals ever since that day. Ever since my birth. But lately my parents have gave in. They don't have the money to keep me away anymore. They are constantly working due to the dept I have laid on there sholders. "Good by mama, Bye Daddie."
   I say as the reach for the door. "Please protect that little heart of yours while we are gone sunshine." My dad says as he kisses me one the forehead. I nod to his plea and watch them leave into there taxi. Work. Work. Work. I wish I could change there fate.   
   They don't deserve this pain, this sorrow, this regret. But all I can do I plea that they won't leave me again. Please... I watch as they walk to the taxi, get in, and leave me in my own bitter hell. "Bye...." I say as I sit mourning there good bye. I get up and walk to my room but before I pass a yell echos from his room.
   "Jupiter!??!" His yell echoes throughout the house. I step backwards to see him looking at me as if I was an ghost. I take a breath " Yeah?" "You.... Do you want to play a game?" My answer is always no, but he doesn't care. Whenever has 'No' ever stop him, ever stop this? "K."
    My answer never changes, I will always be his toy for experiences or exploration. He gets out of his desk chair and walkes twords me. His firm grip claspes onto my arm. He pulls me to his bed and pushes me onto it. He climes on top of he and pulls up my shirt just enough to show my stomach, and leans down. He licks me... Why?..
    He then looks into my eyes and get furious. "Stay here you stupid Satan child!!" He says as he pushes off of me and rushes towards the bathroom. He calls me that due to my eyes....I have tried to run before... So many times but that makes things so much worse.
   My parents have never seen this in him. Perfect grades, perfect smile, just an perfect child. The one who gives them hope. The one who will go out of his way to cry with them. The one who hides all hate to me when others are around just to be able to play his funny games for the rest of my days. He comes back with an knife and mothers sewing kit both she thought she hid better this time.
   He grabs my arm after preparing bandages. He stares at his master peaces. He calls me a doll. My arms were perfectly untouched since his last time of possession. Scars. So many. Perfectly cut and perfectly stitched time and time again by his calloused hands.
   He lifts up the knife but this time he seems different, maybe inpatient or angrier than I have ever seen. Or maybe a little insane. That's it.... My brother has gone insane. I couldn't save him. I close my eyes as I let go of this heart wrenching pain of losing the one you love. His calloused hands reach to the knife, slowly he pushes the knife into my arm in inspiration of where to harm next. My eyes clench shut as pain shoots though me.
    My hand suddenly bursted out of my control and punches my beloved brother strait in the face. What... What am I doing? My arm stays in the same place as he topples to the floor. I can't get up. I can't speak a word. I can't help him. What am I doing? My poor brother....
    He instantly gets to his feet. The inanity. It draws across his face and engulfs the brother I once knew. He rushes towards the knife and I dash after it too. My head says "IT IS LIFE OR DEATH. CHOOSE NOW IF YOU WANT TO WIN!.... I'm sorry but your brother is gone. It's time to strike vengeance or die."
   I scream loud with pure insanity and dash to the knife but am to late. His hands wrap around my neck and slam me against the wall with so much force I gasp for air as he plunges the knife into both of my eyes. It's dark, everything I once knew is stolen by his hell full knife that has been drawing blood from me ever since I was placed into his insane arms.
   I wake up, I think... In this horridly dark place. I slowly rase my hand to my face and touch the place that once named me beautiful beyond compare and also a Satan child. Gone.. My eyes.. Heart wrenchingly gone... The holes that once shown an imperfect world to my curiosity had been stitched together. My mind only tell me one thing, Run.
   Im on my brothers bed. I reach for the edge and stand up. Suddenly I hear laughing. His hand finds a place around my lower waist that sends shivers up my spine. "K." I say not knowing what was going to happen next. "You are free Jupiter ... Satan is gone now. You are free.."
   He gentlely places the hand around my waist up to my cheek. I mumble under my breath something... What did I say?.. He removes his hand ... "What did you say doll??!?!".... I grab his other hand which consisted of an knife and yanked the knife from his insane hands.
    And stab him right in to his chest. He topples down to the floor screaming. I kneel down above him and stab and stab him till he stops screaming... Then I keep stabbing him... It seems that time pasts in hours as I drive the knife in and out of his chest as he lays there no longer giving an fight.
   Then I stand and take an deep breath while the insanity drips off my face. " I said, Bye..." With that I walk out of his room, down the stairs, through the living room, and twords the door of the awful Good byes and walk out as the blood drips from my face. "Bye." 

(I'm sorry for such a long chapter, more than horror will be coming soon and whell maybe some smut! Please don't be afraid to tell me your opinion, I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter! ~Jupiter)

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