Chapter 3 "The Letter"

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In the distance people are talking and some are even screaming. I change my mind to late as the stale breeze of air passes my face. A cold table gets sightly pushed against my chest. 

"who is she?" 

The small soft hairs on my arm prick up as I mentally shiver, "Ava, Leo, this is Jupiter. She is new. Please be respectful. I will be back soon, Jupiter.." As Mrs. Pine walks away I count her steps. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven steps away from me she was talking to a lady to request food for me. Seven steps. Her voice trails from my right but I'm not quite sure...

"Hello, Jupiter.. Hey Jupiter can you hear me?" A strong girlish voice prys.
"Yes.." I respond, trailing off to focus on Mrs. Pine.
"Okay, I just making sure because Leo mentioned you were blind. I'm Ava, so what's your jail time for?" She asks curiously with a high pitched girly annoying voice. Ugh moron. 

"I killed my brother." I say, the girls breath catches for a second. But she easily rebounds.
"Really? I'm in for being in a cult, and Leo is in for killing his dad who raped him." Ava responds quickly, I hear a seat shift and a deep breath.
I slowly move my hand up to rest it on the table. Soon enough Mrs. Pines clicking shoes return and she sets something in front of me with a thud.

I touch my face as if I can take off a blind fold so I can eat but it's not there. Pain from touching the sore tissue reminds me this is not just a mask and a headache slips into full force. There is a soft layer of gauze there to hide the two painful holes.

"Jupiter leave the gauze alone, now open your mouth. Today we are having yogurt and fruit and toast." Mrs. Pine says. I open my mouth now and again to eat yogurt.

After a few minutes that felt like hours I could hear a bunch of foot steps and talking.
"What is going on?" I ask eagerly.
"Other nurses are talking everyone back to there rooms." Mrs. Pine says.
"Bye.." says an guy, assuming Leo.
"Bye beautiful! Haha" says Ava.

I hear Mrs. Pines heals click away from me. And my heart quickens when I hear more than ten steps this time. I'm all alone.

Someone's hands turn my face to the left.
"Hey, Jupiter? What happened?" Some guy asks flicking my gauze. Slight pain radiates through me as I flinch. 

"My brother gouged my eyes out and I killed him." I say trying to look in this guys direction who I don't know as he sweeps my bangs out of my face, a shiver screams down my back. He doesn't answer but doesn't remove his hands, deciding to use them to cup my face and study me.

"What?... Who are you." I ask, wishing he would remove his fucking hand.

"Hehehe, okay, I'm Vincent. Your new friend. I'll see you around, but you won't see me." He softly pokes my nose and walks away. I count his steps but they don't stop they keep going until they fade away down busy hallways.

What a weird ass laugh for a weird ass guy. I was to distracted in my thoughts to have herd Mrs. Pine come back to me, she starts to wheel me back to my room. 


Mrs. Pine reads...

"Dearest Jupiter,

I heard what happened. They never believe us do they. I can't get you out of there I'm sorry. But don't think I'm giving up. Be there or be square, right? Don't worry about my mom and me. Just focus on living in that hell hole. Okay? God I miss you Jup. Your parents didn't exactly want to hear me out this time but I think they may believe your side eventually. I'm sorry my mom called the cops when you came over after. I didn't expect her to be home. She must have got fired again because she beat me more than last time you came over with more stitches. She keeps threatening to do the same your brother did. Gouge my eyes out, but I know she won't. She needs me for the ride. Soon she wont need it anymore where she is going. I'm so close to getting where you are. Just wait, I love you baby.

After a minute of pure silence she spoke.
"A Willow came in today with a stab wound, she killed her mother." She is fine.

"I will be her new care taker I guess.... if you can talk to her and get her to abide to  my rules I made for you. I could probably get you two the same free period." Mrs. Pine states.

"How long?" My voice chokes.
"Till you guys see each other?" She asks.
"Yes." I respond.
"I'll bring her to the next meal if she is even awake. She is recovering still. Like you are, so chill." She says with a bit of a giggle.

"I'll change your gause and lay you down for a nap, okay?" Mrs. Pine says.

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